Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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I haven't done parts in so long. I hope you enjoy x and please don't let this flop like my last one shot.

Betty POV:

Toni: we've tried everything to get Sweet Pea to open up to us but he just won't. She told me.
Betty: okay? I said, not seeing why this was any of my concern.
Jughead: this is where you come into it. My boyfriend told me.
Betty: how exactly? You guys do remember that he hates me right? I said.
Fangs: he doesn't hate you. He said and I raised an eyebrow.
Fangs: you both just have different personalities, anyway. We need you to talk to him, find out what's going on. He said.
Betty: and why do I have to do this? I asked.
Toni: because if he sees one of us, he's probably going to punch a wall. She said.
Betty: fine, but I can promise you that I'm not going to get through to him. I said and they all smiled.

I soon headed off and made the short drive to Sunny Side Trailer park.

I seriously don't get Toni, Jughead and Fangs' logic. Sweet Pea has never really liked me, because of my mother.

She use to be a Serpent but left and a whole bunch of other dramas.

But if Sweet Pea doesn't like me, why on earth do they think he would just open up to me and tell me all his problems?

I knew if I wanted to get this done and leave as soon as possible, I had to take a stern and strong approach.

I arrived at Sweet Pea's trailer and knocked on the door as hard as I could.

He answered the door with a loud grunt. When he saw it was me he rolled his eyes.

I walked straight past him, inviting myself in.

I took a seat on an arm chair and crossed my legs.

Sweet Pea: what are you doing here? He said as he crossed his arms.
Betty: your friends are tired of you not telling them what's wrong so they're making me get it out of you. So tell me then I leave. Very simple. I said.
Sweet Pea: what do you know so far? He asked.
Betty: something to do with Josie. I said.
Sweet Pea: mh. He said as he took a seat on the couch.
Betty: so you can either tell me the rest, or I guess you better get comfortable. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: out of everyone, they're making me talk to you? He said as he shook his head.
Betty: this is your own fault. I said as I shrugged my shoulders.
Sweet Pea: and what if I don't tell you? What will you do, wait all night? He smirked.
Betty: knowing that it would annoy you, why not. I smirked back.
Sweet Pea: want a beer? He asked out of no where.

I looked up to him and raised an eyebrow.

He stood up, walking to the small kitchen.

Sweet Pea: I want you gone but the only way I'm telling someone is if I'm drunk. So beer? He asked again.
Betty: water. I said.

He pulled out a couple beers for himself and then made me a glass of water.

He gently passed it to me and I offered him a thank you.

He took a seat and skulled a bear within twenty seconds, then cracking open another.

Betty: so spill. I said. He let out a groan as he ran his hand through his messy hair.
Sweet Pea: there's this girl I like. She has a boyfriend and she's loyal so I have no chance with her although she is way out of her boyfriends league. He started.
Betty: so you've already decided that you're better than the boyfriend? I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: trust me, her boyfriend is a complete dickhead. He said.
Sweet Pea: anyway, in order to keep my mind off of her, I decided to try and move on. That's why over this past summer I had a fling with Josie. When school started again she wanted to drop me, act like we were nothing. He told me.
Betty: so you had feelings for Josie and that's why you've been upset? I said. He chuckled.
Sweet Pea: no, couldn't care less that her and I are done. She was to pass the time. He said.
Betty: then what exactly is the problem? I asked.
Sweet Pea: I thought that the girl I truly love would be out of her relationship by now. He sighed, chugging the rest of his can.
Betty: love? That's pretty strong Sweet Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: I know. He said as he breathed out.
Betty: well do you think you could talk to this girl? Maybe see where she stands or- I started.
Sweet Pea: she doesn't like me, at all. He said.
Betty: who wouldn't like you? I said sarcastically.
Sweet Pea: you're so funny Betty. He said equally as sarcastic.
Betty: so, who is the girl? I asked.
Sweet Pea: you won't find that out until they've broken up. He said.
Betty: give me a hint. I said. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: she's gorgeous, intelligent, always knows what to do and say, loving, kind to everyone, deserves so so so much better than what she has and she's dating a guy who doesn't treat her like the princess that she is. He said with so much passion and love.
Betty: sounds like when you two finally get together, she will be treated very well. I said.
Sweet Pea: don't you know it. He smiled.
Betty: well I guess I did my job. I said as I was about to get up.
Sweet Pea: wait! He quickly said.
Sweet Pea: it's really late and you shouldn't be driving home at this hour. Stay. He said. I looked at him, confusion forming on my face.
Betty: since when did you care about anything to do with me? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: you helped me so I help you. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Betty: okay, thank you. I'll text Jughead that I'm staying here. He let out a scoff.

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