Betty x Sweet Pea

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he's just a cuddly boy

Betty POV:

Betty: do you know what time Sweet Pea will be home? I asked Fp, too lazy to get my phone and text my boyfriend.
Fp: around ten minutes. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: what? I asked.
Fp: you're attached to his hip. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: you've got it all wrong, he's attached to me. I said.
Fp: Betty, as soon as he gets home, you're always cuddling him or what not. I smiled.
Betty: Fp, your son is a very, very clingy man. I do this for the sanity of this family. If I don't give him affection, he gets all whiny. I said.
Fp: Him? Whiny? I don't think so. He said.
Betty: trust me, I know him best. I said.
Fp: you think you know my son better than I do? He chuckled in disbelief.
Betty: 100% and I'll gladly put it to the test, but I'll warn you, he'll be extra annoying and whiny.
Fp: okay. He smirked.

Within the next five minutes or so, Sweet Pea walked through the door and greeted both Fp and I with a smile.

He took a seat next to me and I'd usually instantly embrace him in a hug, but this time I didn't.

He turned his head to me and furrowed his eyebrows.

Sweet Pea: cuddles. He said.
Betty: maybe later. I said as I looked from him to the tv.
Sweet Pea: Betty cuddles. He said.
Betty: shh Bub, I'm trying to watch tv. I said.

He let out a whine as he sat closer to me. I moved away.

He let out a huff as he leaned closer to me and tried to wrap his arms around me. I pushed his arms away from me.

Sweet Pea: Betty, why are you doing this? He whined out.

I turned to face Fp who was looking over at me in shock.

Betty: Pea, I'm trying to watch tv. I said.

He kept whining and trying to reach over and cuddle me, but I ignored him and moved away.

Sweet Pea: fine, you wanna play like this? He said as he got up.

He walked into the kitchen and I could hear him opening and closing cupboards. In the meanwhile, I turned to Fp with a smirk.

Betty: still think Pea isn't clingy? I chuckled.
Fp: I am in complete shock. I thought you were the clingy one the whole time. He said, still in shock over this revolution.

Sweet Pea walked back into the lounge holding three glass cups.

Sweet Pea: so you don't love me anymore? He said as he dropped one of the glasses, it smashing everywhere. My jaw dropped.
Betty: Sweet- I started but he interrupted me.
Sweet Pea: who are you seeing? He said as he dropped another glass.
Betty: Sweet Pea! I was kidding. I yelled at him to stop.
Sweet Pea: really? He smiled as he walked over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me incredibly tight. He kissed the top of my head and I felt him smile against my cheek.

Fp: Sweet Pea, clean that up. He said.
Sweet Pea: busy. He mumbled.
Fp: now. He said sternly.
Betty: clean it up or I won't be impressed pod. I told him. He let out a huff, but he got up and got the dust pan.

Whilst Sweet Pea was out of the room, Fp and I turned to face each other.

Betty: see, happy Sweet Pea equals happy life. I told him. He just looked to me in shock.
Fp: when did that kid become so clingy and needy? He asked.
Betty: roughly as soon as we got together. I chuckled.

Sweet Pea soon finished cleaning up all the mess he had made and came back to the lounge.

Sweet Pea: lay down. He told me.

I moved from my sitting position and laid down onto my back. He moved himself so that he was laying on his side, in between me and the back of the couch.

He rested one of his legs over mine, his head on my shoulder and rested his arm over my waist.

Betty: you comfortable? I smirked. He glared at me as he nodded his head.
Betty: you're so cute bubba. I smiled at him.
Sweet Pea: you don't even love me. He mumbled. I chuckled.
Betty: you know, I was trying to prove a point to your dad. That you're the clingy one in this relationship. I said.
Sweet Pea: so you're the reason she wasn't giving me any cuddles? He said as he turned to face his dad.
Fp: you're so clingy. He said. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

We had been in the same position for about an hour before Fp said good night and headed to his room.

Sweet Pea: never not give me cuddles again or I'll do a lot worse than break a few glasses. He said as he looked up at me.
Betty: I won't, I promise. I said as I kissed his forehead.
Sweet Pea: good. He mumbled, snuggling his head into my chest.

We soon headed to bed and he continued to be clingy and cuddly.

I laid down in bed as he climbed in beside me, reaching to take my shirt off.

Betty: what are you doing? I chuckled as he threw my shirt onto the floor.
Sweet Pea: you deprived me of your love so now you need to be extra loving. He said making me chuckle.

He took off my bra and threw it onto the floor. He rested his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around me.

Betty: really PeaPod? I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: keep talking and you're sleeping naked. He said, snuggling into my chest.

I smirked as I raised my hand to his hair and gently ran my hand through it.

Betty: I wouldn't be opposed. I said. His head popped up.
Sweet Pea: are you implying what I think you're implying? He asked. I nodded my head as I bit my lip.

He smirked as he ran his hand down my chest.

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