Betty x Sweet Pea

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Not a clue what this is

Betty POV:

Father's Day lunch had thankfully come to an end and my father, Hal Cooper, had left.

For Father's Day, I was planning on having lunch with my boyfriend's family and his dad, Fp, who told me to invite my dad.

I told him that it really wasn't a good idea. Hal has always been a bad person and father. He's been emotionally abusive since I was born, then gets upsets with me that I don't want to talk to him or spend any time around him.

I remember when I was still living at home with him, the worst part was being alone with him. I always felt uncomfortable around him, never having anything to say.

I was happier when I was away from him.

But, despite me specifically telling Fp that I didn't want him here, he went behind my back.

It honestly really hurt since I truly do look up to and admire Fp. He's like the dad I never had.

Fp: I'm really sorry Betty. He said as he looked up to face me.

As soon as my dad arrived, he was a complete annoyance. He started by complaining about the traffic on the way here, and there on, every conversation any of the boys started, he'd turn it into a negative.

This is exactly what I knew would happen, it's embarrassing. I don't need them seeing what my life was like before I cut my dad out and moved in with them.

Betty: why would you do that? I said to him angrily.

Truthfully, I know why he did.

He use to be a terrible father until one day something snapped in him, that made him want to change.

Since then, his sons Tyler and Sweet Pea have slowly let Fp back into their lives. They now have a really good relationship. But it was because Tyler and Sweet Pea wanted that relationship that it worked.

Fp thinks just because he repaired his relationship with his sons, that it would work for me and my dad.

Fp: I thought- He started but I interrupted.
Betty: no, you didn't think Fp. I told you that I did not want him here but you happily enough went behind my back. I said.
Fp: I didn't mean for that to happen. He said sorrily. I just laughed as I shook my head.
Betty: I really thought you would be the last person to go behind my back. I said as I walked out of the kitchen.

I went into Sweet Pea and I's room and closed the door behind me.

I sat up in our bed as I held my knees to my chest and rested my back against the head bored.

I feel hurt, betrayed, angry and upset.

He's always been someone I can talk to and seek advice from, no matter what. How can he just go behind my back like that?

I heard a gentle knock on the door as Sweet Pea entered.

We both looked at each other for a moment, I could tell he was waiting for me to start the conversation.

Betty: did you know he was coming? I asked him as tears welled up in my eyes.
Sweet Pea: of course not Princess, if I did I promise I would have put a stop to it. He said.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore so I just broke down.

Sweet Pea let out a sigh as he came and took a seat by my side. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry he did that Betty. He whispered softly as he dropped another kiss onto my head.
Betty: he knew I didn't want my dad there. Why would he do that? I cried into his shoulder.
Sweet Pea: he thinks he knows everything. I know you only know the good version of my dad, but he isn't perfect. He said as he held me tighter.
Betty: it's so embarrassing Pea. I said as I looked up at him.
Sweet Pea: Betty, I can promise you that not a single one of us care about how your dad acted. We care about you. He said as he looked into my eyes.
Betty: I hate Hal. I said.
Sweet Pea: you have every too. He said as he used his thumb to wipe away my tears.
Betty: and now I'm crying in front of you which is embarrassing. I groaned out.
Sweet Pea: take that back. He said.
Betty: no. I said.
Sweet Pea: miss Cooper, take it back. In fact, you better cry in front of me every single day. He said.
Betty: why? I look ugly and it gives me a headache. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay fine, you don't have to cry everyday because I don't want you to have a headache. But babe, I don't want you holding anything in, you know you can always talk to me. He said so softly.

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