Betty x Sweet Pea

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Max is 7

Betty POV:

I was woken up as I felt my blanket moving and someone slightly moving me.

I opened my eyes and saw Max sneaking into my bed.

Betty: hey honey. I sighed.
Max: hi B. He said.

Max is the boy I nanny for. I live with him and work full time.

His parents are Sweet Pea Connor and Veronica Connor.

Their marriage has been on the rocks for a while now. They're arguing every second that they see each other.

It's scares Max, obviously, what kid wouldn't be terrified of their parents arguing every moment they have.

Betty: are you warm? I whispered as I ran my hand through his hair, trying to settle him down.
Max: yeah. He said tiredly.
Max: why are they always fighting with each other? He asked as he looked up to me.
Betty: it's just what some parents do honey. Nothing for you to worry about. I smiled.
Max: I don't like it, how do I make it stop? He asked.

As those sad words left his mouth, I heard as something shattered from outside my room.

Max instantly jumped closer to me and held onto me tight.

Betty: honey stay here okay? I'm going to check up on them. I said.
Max: don't leave. He said worriedly.
Betty: I'll be fine. Go to sleep okay? I said. He gave me an uneasy look but nodded his head.

I got out of bed and wrapped him up in my blankets.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway.

I stepped down the stair case and saw an unbelievable scene.

There was glass shattered over the floor, the vase filled with flowers now everywhere.

I looked to Veronica and she was laying on the couch with a glass of whiskey in her hand. She was practically falling asleep.

I looked to Sweet Pea who was sitting on the arm chair, his hand holding up his face. In his other hand, he held whiskey which he took a swig off.

I looked to Sweet Pea's face and saw he had a giant cut along his eyebrow.

Betty: Sweet Pea. I said worriedly as I approached him.
Sweet Pea: I'm fine. He sighed.
Betty: no you're not, you need that cut cleaned before it gets infected. I said.
Betty: come on, go up to the bathroom. I said.

I didn't wait for him to answer as I walked to the downstairs bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit.

I saw Sweet Pea walk in and sit on the closed toilet seat.

Betty: you in a lot of pain? I asked as I pulled out a cotton pad and saline solution.
Sweet Pea: a little I guess. He said.

I wet the cotton pad with the saline solution and gently dabbed it over his cut. He instantly winced, pulling away from me.

Betty: try to stay still. I said as I help his chin still.

He kept wincing but I worked as fast as I could.

I put some gause over his cut so that it could get some air over night.

Betty: get some rest. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: thank you. He said as he walked out of the bathroom.

I cleaned up the mess and then went upstairs.

I have a personal hatred for Veronica.

A few weeks ago I walked into the house after doing some grocery shopping and saw her sleeping with another man.

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