Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty helping from under the desk, if you know what I mean. Oh god.

Betty POV:

I was laying on Sweet Pea's bed as he sat in his gaming chair, playing some game where you have to kill as many people as possible. He has his headset on as he yelled stuff through to Fangs. They had been playing for three hours now and I've just been scrolling through TikTok.

I had scrolled onto a video of a girl saying to support their boyfriend while they're playing video games, from under the desk. I've seen plenty of these videos before. I've shown Sweet Pea one of the videos and he chuckled, but also said 'I would be down for that'. Of course I chuckled and hit his shoulder. Now, I really want to do it. If he won't give me the attention I want, I'll get it myself.

I turned off my phone and tied up my hair into a tight and high ponytail. I walked to the other side of the room and got onto my knees. I crawled under his desk as I maintained eye contact with him. He had a confused look on his face for a few moments before he realised what my intentions were.

We both smirked as he lifted up his hips for me to pull down his pants. I quickly pulled down his pants and wrapped my hand around his cock. I watched as he closed his eyes and let out a small groan. I stroked his cock from the base to the tip, smirking at the way he couldn't focus on his game anymore.

"Fuck, sorry Fangs. Betty's just trying to get attention" He groaned out as he forced his eyes open to press whatever button he had too.

I licked my tongue over the tip and smiled as I said 'hi Fangsy'. I wrapped my mouth around his cock as I slowly took all of him into my mouth. I looked up at him as I slowly went back up.

"Fangs says hi" He said through gritted teeth, trying his best to hold back his groans.

"Hi Fangsy" I giggled as I took his cock into my mouth again, bobbing my head up and down his length.

"Fangs can you cover me? Betty wants me to get her a drink" He said and without waiting for Fangs to reply, he took off his headphones and threw it onto his desk.

"Fucking hell, look at you" He groaned out as he wrapped his hand around my ponytail and pushed me all the way down to the base of his cock. He kept my head in place as he thrusted himself into my mouth. I let out some high pitched moans and gagging sounds until he untightened his grip from my hair and pulled up my head so that I could get in a few breaths of much needed hair.

Before I could even open my mouth to speak to him, he tightened his grip in my ponytail and pushed me down his length.

"Look at my slut, so needy for me" He chuckled out as he held me down, enjoying the gagging sounds I was making. I looked up into his eyes with a smirk on my face, driving Sweet Pea absolutely insane.

"If we're going to do this, we're doing it right" he said as he pulled me off his cock and pulled me up by my hair.

I was now standing as he reached to my shorts and pulled them down. They fell to the floor as he reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. He then unclasped my bra and threw it across the room.

"Come take a seat, like a good girl" He said and I nodded my head. I straddled him as he aligned his cock with my clit, licking his lips as he pushed the tip inside of me.

"All I need you to do is sit there and look like my pretty whore, okay?" He said and I smiled as I nodded my head.

"Well that, and talk to Fangs" He smirked as he picked up his headphones and put them over my head.

"what?" I started as he pushed himself all the way inside of me.

"Try not to be too loud honey, we don't want Fangs to know what we're doing now do we?" He said as he pressed something on the headset and began thrusting into me at a relentless pace. Mother fucker.

"Sweet Pea?" Fangs spoke through the headset.

Sweet Pea kept a fast pace as he leaned his head forward, sucking my nipples into his mouth, I let out a muffled moan as I opened my mouth.

"It's me" I spoke out in uneven breathes. I didn't want to speak, it will be a dead give away. Well that and the fact that I can't stay quiet.

"How come Sweet Pea isn't playing?" He asked as Sweet Pea held my hips tighter and thrusted into me at a harder and faster pace.

"I told him I wanted to try" I tried answering normally, but it come out as a moan.

"Hush angel" Sweet Pea whispered into my ear as he kissed my shoulder. He moved his hand down to my clit as he rubbed his fingers over my sensitive nerves.

At this point, both Sweet Pea and I were letting out groans and moans.

"You dirty fuckers. You dirty, dirty fuckers" he said, catching onto what was going on.

I threw off the headphones as I felt myself reaching my climax.

"Oh fuck Sweet Pea, please don't stop. Please" I moaned out as he thrusted himself all the way inside of me. Only slightly pulling himself out of me as he thrusted back all the way in.

"Did he figure out what was going on?" He grunted out as his grip around me tightened. I nodded my head as I let out a moan.

"I" was all I could moan out. As soon as I started to climax Sweet Pea came inside of me. He gave a few more thrusts before he slowly stopped and we both caught our breaths.

My head rested on his shoulder, not being able to lift it up myself.

Sweet Pea caressed my cheek and lifted it up so that I was facing him.

"Look at my girl" he smiled proudly as he kissed my lips and then forehead. I smiled.

We both took a quick shower before we got into bed.

"Will this be a regular thing?" He smirked, making me chuckle at his eagerness.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see" I smirked back. 

dirty dirty sex
Also small little irrelevant story. SO it's 10:24pm and I post at 10:30. Soo, I was drinking my water and I started to choke, I look up at my clock and see that it's 10:24 and instead of thinking about how I'm literally choking, I'm like "oh shit, I need to post soon"
Anyway, hope you enjoyed my small story.

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