Betty x Sweet Pea

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short but eh
Anyway, continue

Betty POV:

I arrived home from school and flopped onto Jackson's bed next to where he was laying.

I live with my boyfriend and his family. To cut things short, my family is bat shit crazy and sold the family home. They left me with no where to stay so my beautiful boyfriend and his family let me live with them.

Jackson: hey, how are you? He asked softly.

This morning was really rough. I was very anxious about a test and I was a complete mess, tears and all.

Betty: honestly, still feeling a little off. I said as I faced him. He nodded his head.
Jackson: you should have gone home after the test. He said softly.
Betty: can't, otherwise I'll just fall behind in my other subjects. I said.
Jackson: yet but your mental health is a lot more important Betty. He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

We continued having light hearted conversation from there, until eventually my boyfriend, Sweet Pea, came home.

Sweet Pea: babe, where are you? I heard him yell from the lounge.
Betty: J's room. I yelled out.
Sweet Pea: okay stay there please. He yelled back.

Jackson and I looked to each other, a confused look on our faces.

Jackson: any idea what's going on with him? He asked me.
Betty: no idea. I said.

Two minutes later, Sweet Pea walked into Jackson's room and quickly closed the door behind him.

Betty: what are you doing? I questioned. He just smiled as he kissed my head.
Jackson: such a weird kid. He said making me chuckle. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

Sweet Pea took a seat besides me and gave me a soft smile.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much baby and I always want to look after you. So, I've been doing some research on anxiety, trying to find stuff that can help you- He started.
Betty: Sweet Pea you're make me anxious with this long introduction, can you get to the point please? I asked. He nodded his head.

He stood up and walked out of the room.

Sweet Pea: close your eyes. He said.

I closed my eyes and waited for whatever Sweet Pea was up too.

I felt as something light was placed on top of my chest.

Betty: bubs. I mumbled, afraid of whatever he had put on me.
Sweet Pea: open. He said as he rubbed my arm.

I opened my eyes and they instantly landed on a light brown golden retriever puppy.

My jaw dropped as I looked to the most adorable puppy I've ever seen in my life.

Betty: Pea. I whispered as I sat up, carefully holding the puppy as I moved.
Sweet Pea: see, I read that having an animal helps a little with anxiety. So, here's your puppy. He smiled widely.
Jackson: wow. He said.

The puppy on my lap looked up at me and began licking my chin. I looked at him with the most love in my eyes.

Betty: has he got a name? I asked as I looked up from the puppy to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: nope, you get to choose. He said as he took a seat besides me.
Jackson: dad is going to kill you guys. He said.
Betty: I wanna name him Buddy. I said, ignoring what Jackson had said.
Sweet Pea: Buddy it is. He smiled.

Just as he said that, we heard the front door open. I looked to Sweet Pea and gave him a stern look.

Betty: if he takes Buddy away from me, I will never, ever love you again. I said to Sweet Pea.

The three of us sat in Jackson's room as we waited for Fp to walk in and see my puppy.

About five minutes of waiting later, Fp found the three of us.

Fp: hello- He started until he cut himself off, seeing Buddy in my lap.
Fp: why is there a dog in your lap? He asked me as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: Sweet Pea got Buddy for me. I smiled.
Fp: why the hell did you get a dog? He asked Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: helps with anxiety. He said.

I snuggled into Sweet Pea's side and held Buddy as he licked my arm.

Fp: get rid of the dog by tomorrow morning. He said warningly.

I instantly looked up to Sweet Pea, giving him an angry look.

Sweet Pea: nope. He said.
Fp: yes. He said.
Betty: Fp, I am in love with this dog. You take away Buddy from me and I have nothing. I said.
Jackson: a little dramatic. He mumbled with amusement.
Fp: fine. But this dog is not going to be my responsibility. I squealed out of happiness and held Buddy tight to my chest.


Sweet Pea and I laid in our bed as I watched him play with Buddy.

Betty: I love him so much. I said in awe. He smiled.
Betty: I love you so much. I said as I moved closer to him and jumped into his lap.

I began smothering kisses all over his face. He loved it so he laid there peacefully, embracing my love.

Betty: you're the best boyfriend. I said before I placed a final kiss on his lips.
Sweet Pea: you're my angel. He smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

Buddy jumped on top of both of us, not wanting for Sweet Pea to stop playing with him.

Betty: bubs, go play with our child. I said as I moved out of his embrace.
Sweet Pea: yes ma'am. He said making me chuckle.


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