Betty x Sweet Pea

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Have you drank any water today? Go have some within the next hour :)

Betty POV:

"Tommy you are making a big mistake, please listen to me. Your dad is only trying to get back at me" I started but my son scoffed.

"Not everything is about you Elizabeth. Dad said he wants to have a relationship with me and that starts with me moving in with him" he said as he held his packed bags.

"Tomas do you not hear how insane you sound? If you want a relationship with him you can have it, but you will live here" I told him as tears welled up in my eyes.

I have not raised this kid by myself for seventeen years for him to just walk out of my life like I'm nothing to him. I've worked a lot harder and deserve better than this.

"Dad said you'd act like this. You would make him seem like a bad guy, but you're the one who is horrible. You denied him from my life. How could you?" He said angrily as he shook his head.

"I had my reasons, it was to keep you safe" I told him, and it was the truth.

"Well I'm a big boy now, I make my own decisions. I'm moving in with him and I want nothing to do with you" he told me coldly as he stormed out of the house with all his stuff.

I could hear as the engine turned on and then the sound of it getting further and further.

I walked to the couch and took a seat as I looked to my shaking hand. I can't believe he just left.

His father has been in his life for four days. In four days he has managed to make my son believe that he's a god person, no. It couldn't be any further from the truth.

His father, Harry, was mentally and emotionally abusive. As soon as I got pregnant it all started. He didn't want Tomas but although he wasn't planned, I was going to keep him.

He practically bullied me to get rid of my child, but I didn't. He told me he would get rid of the child himself if I didn't. So I left and got a restraining order against him. It lasted for three years and thankfully after that, he never tried having contact with me again. Until four days ago.

He got married a year ago and through the great vine, as in I stalked his wife's Facebook page, I found out she's infertile. I also know that she really, really wants a kid. So that dumb idiot of an ex of mine is trying to take my kid.

He has not helped me in any way, shape or form. He has not once visited Tomas, not once asked about him or ever financially supported him. Harry isn't a good person or father. He doesn't even want Tomas, he just wants to make his wife happy.

I shakily picked up my phone as I called Veronica. She's been my best friend since high school and has always supported me.

"What's up B?" She asked happily.

"He's gone" I sobbed out.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. The love of my life, my sweet angel has gone. To a man who doesn't love him. To a man who will never love or look after him the way I have since before he was born.

"Betts, Archie and I are coming over. Just try to stay calm" she said softly.

"We're coming now" she said and then hung up.


It's been two weeks since Tomas moved out.  I've tried calling him and texting him, but he never answered or texted back. I even tried going to their house, just because I wanted to know that he was still alive.

He told me to leave, that he was happy with his new family, apparently happier than he's ever been with me. He told me he wants me to stop trying to contact him. This isn't my son, Harry has already changed him.

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