Betty x Sweet Pea x (Fangs?)

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Okay, overview — this oneshot is funny, but has not a single purpose. Anyway, continue.

Betty POV:

I was cuddled into my blanket as I sat up in my bed. I was having a quiet night in as I watched Netflix.

It took me awhile to find something I actually liked, then eventually when I did find something that sounded interesting, I used it as background noise as I scrolled through Instagram.

My boyfriend and his best friend Fangs are out at some house party on the North Side. No doubt in my mind that they're going to get as drunk as they possibly can. They invited me to come but I have a limit of one horrible party per month.

I honestly don't know what they see in getting black out drunk every other week. But hey, it's their lives not mine.

It was around 1 am and I was still partly watching Netflix and partly scrolling through my phone, when I heard my doorbell ring.

I get freaked out when I hear the door bell ring at 12 pm, let alone at 1 in the morning. That's why I bought one of those ring cameras and have it hooked up at the front door.

I realistically think I'm being very smart and safe. I live alone, if there was a murderer, what the hell would I do? But then again, would a murderer really ring the doorbell? I mean, yeah probably.

Anyway, I went onto the app that is connected to the ring camera and saw that my boyfriend and Fangs were at the door. I watched as Fangs and Sweet Pea leant against each other, trying to support one another.

I chuckled as I put down my phone and walked downstairs.

I opened the door and saw the two boys, their backs now resting against the wall.

Sweet Pea: hi pretty Princess. He smiled.
Fangs: hi Betty. He said with a cheesy smile.
Betty: hello boys, how are you? I smiled.
Sweet Pea: we've been better, how are you? He slightly slurred out.

I will give the boys that, they can hold themselves reasonably well for the amount I know they've drank.

Betty: I'm pretty well, enjoying some time watching Netflix. I told him.
Fangs: that sounds pretty fun. He added. I laughed.
Betty: come on, into bed you two. I said.
Sweet Pea: okay Princess. He said. I smiled.

I helped the two boys into the spare room and thankfully got them into the room safely.

I got them under the blankets and tucked them in. I walked to Sweet Pea's side and kissed his head.

I was about to walk out of the room when I heard Fangs speak up.

Fangs: where's my kiss? He pouted. I chuckled at him.
Betty: you're too cute for a kiss. I smiled.

I love Fangs, he genuinely is the cutest. He's so needy and clingy, the boy version of me.

Sweet Pea: Betty. He whined out.
Sweet Pea: what about me? He frowned.

I could tell I was going to be here for awhile so I took a seat on the side of Sweet Pea.

Betty: you're so handsome baby. I told him, making him smile.
Fangs: no! You said I was the cutest. He whined out.
Betty: you're both very handsome and cute. I smiled to them.
Sweet Pea: but me baby. I'm the better one. You love me. He said as he pulled me onto his chest.
Fangs: Betty don't let him fool you. I'm better. You love me more.
Sweet Pea: stop lying Fangs, she loves me more. He challenged Fangs.
Fangs: shut up idiot! She told me she hates you. He said. I couldn't help the smile that formed onto my face.

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