Betty x Sweet Pea

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Let's get into it <3

Betty POV:

I had just arrived home from school and before I could open the door, I could hear the sound of squealing kids.

I unlocked the door and saw Sweet Pea throwing Chantelle in the air. She was squealing and giggling, having the time of her life.

"Aunty Betty!" Sierra, the youngest yelled excitedly as she ran up to me.

I smiled at her as I scooped her up into my arms.

"Hey" I smiled as I carried the four year old on my side.

"Hi!" She yelled excitedly.

"Uncle Sweet Pea has been throwing us so high we could touch the stars" Chantelle told me as Sweet Pea placed her down onto the couch.

"How sensible of him" I smirked at him. He chuckled as he took Sierra out of my hands and placed her on the couch.

"Now it's tv time" he said making the girls jump up and down excitedly.

He turned on the tv and switched it to a children's channel. They soon settled down and had their eyes glued to the tv.

Sweet Pea grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. He wrapped his hands over my hips and sat me on the kitchen bench. He then wrapped his arms around my back and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"How was your day?" He smiled.

"Boring, long, tired" I said and he chuckled.

"How about you?" I smiled.

"My brother dumped me with these monsters. Him and Tiana both had work today and their babysitter canceled. I don't know why he dumps them with me, I'm busy too" he said making me grin.

"Bubs, you kinda run a gang. At this point you're a glorified babysitter" I said and he rolled his eyes playfully.

After our small little talk we went back into the lounge so we could watch over the kids and make sure they weren't getting themselves into any trouble.

When they got bored of tv they got us to play games with them again. Watching Sweet Pea interact with them was so beautiful. He always did what they asked of him and he always made sure they were safe. He's going to be a great dad.

That's what scares me. I do not want children. They are 24/7 responsibility for eighteen years, most likely longer. I couldn't imagine the pure stress a parent goes through. Then there's also the pregnant aspect. Not only is giving birth a horrifying thought, there are so many things you can't do whilst being pregnant. You have to be careful what cheese you eat for gods sake.

I know Sweet Pea and I are young but I constantly think about our future. Not having children isn't negotiable for me. The closest thing to a child I have ever liked the idea of is adopting a teenager. It's not a definite yes that I'll do that, but it's something that makes me feel a lot happier than having a kid of my own.

Sweet Pea is just so good around kids, I honestly can't see him not wanting them. And if I'm right, that puts an end to our relationship. I love Sweet Pea more than anything but I'm not changing my mind.

Their parents soon picked up the two kids and they left here having to be carried to the car due to how exhausted they were. 

Sweet Pea and I went up to our room as Fp chuckled at how exhausted we were too. Kids are so life draining.

"Bubs?" Sweet Pea said and I hummed in response.

"Is something bothering you? You've been kinda quiet tonight" he asked and I let out a sigh.

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