Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

It was just past eleven pm and I was getting into bed.

I looked to my girlfriend who had fallen also about two hours ago.

Like I always did when I came to bed, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, kiss her head and fall asleep with her in my arms.

But, unfortunately she's sick. She's got the cold and hasn't been getting much sleep the past few days.

I really wanted to cuddle with her but I knew that would only wake her up.

I've become so reliant on falling asleep with her in my arms, that I can't do it without cuddling her anymore. She's done this to me.

As soon as we started sleeping in the same bed, she insisted that I gave her cuddles. Now look at me, it's the only way I can sleep.

I looked to Betty's peaceful face, I was seriously contemplating blowing in her face or doing something to wake her up. But I didn't. 

Instead, I got out of bed and walked into my dad's room.

He was sitting up, scrolling through his phone. I jumped onto his bed and laid down next to him, getting under the covers.

Sweet Pea: I can't sleep. I said as I looked up to him.
Fp: you're 18 Sweet Pea, not my problem to deal with anymore. He said and I let out a groan.
Sweet Pea: her being sick is ruining my sleep schedule. I should just wake her up. I said.
Fp: no, she's barely gotten any sleep these past two days. She needs to rest. He told him.
Sweet Pea: well I need sleep and she's with holding it from me. I said making him chuckle.
Fp: Sweet Pea, go to bed. He said softly.
Sweet Pea: fine, good night dad. I said as I got up.
Fp: night. He said as I walked out.

I walked back to my room and got back into bed, being careful not to wake her up.

I laid there awake, just hoping for Betty to slightly move so I could swoop in and cuddle her.

It have been about an hour when she finally moved. She pushed her back into my chest and I instantly wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her head as she let out a small little groan.


Through out the night, every time she tossed and turned, so did I. But hey, at least I got my cuddles.

It was around 8 am, much earlier than I wanted to be awake.

My dad had already decided that Betty wasn't going to school for the rest of the week and since I've dropped out of school, I get to look after her.

Betty was laying on my chest as I ran my hand up and down her back.

Betty: I don't feel good. She mumbled into my neck.
Sweet Pea: I know my poor angel. I said sympathetically as I kissed her head.
Betty: sorry for keeping you up all night. She said as she rested her jaw on my chest.
Sweet Pea: bubs you don't need to apologise. As long as I got my cuddles, I'm all good. I smiled at her.

I looked to the beautiful angel on my chest, her messy hair slightly covering her face. I can't get over how absolutely stunning she always is. Even when she's sick, she looks like a gift sent from heaven.

Betty: I love you so much Sweet Pea. She said as she pushed back the hair from my forehead and placed a soft kiss against it.

I smiled at my angel, feeling all warm and fuzzy.

Sweet Pea: you will never understand how much I love you Princess. I mean, I can't even sleep if I haven't kissed you and if I'm not cuddling you, don't get me started. What have you done to be Princess? I said making her laugh.

She soon stopped laughing as she was running out of breath.

Sweet Pea: take it easy my love. I said as I kissed her cheek.

We soon got out of bed and I got her to lay down on the couch. I wrapped the blanket around her and brought her the remotes for the tv. I also turned on the heater and then finally laid down next to her as she requested.

Sweet Pea: you hungry at all B? I asked as I pushed some hair covering her eyes behind her ear.
Betty: not really. She said and I nodded my head.

We had been chilling in the lounge for awhile when my older brother James came out of his room.

James: morning loser, good morning Betty. How are you feeling? He asked as he took a seat on the arm chair.
Betty: don't feel good. She said. He gave her a sympathetic look.

It truly is amazing that he'll treat my girlfriend better than he treats me.

James: I'm gonna order some food, would you like anything? He asked both of us. Betty nodded her head as did I.

As we waited for the food to arrive, we watched whatever Betty wanted to watch on YouTube.

The food soon came and we all ate in a peaceful silence.

James and his annoying existence soon left and went back to his room, presumably to play video games for the next twelve hours.

I was now sitting up and Betty had moved into my lap. She had her head resting on my neck and my arms were wrapped around her.

Sweet Pea: you feeling any better? I asked as I looked into her beautiful green eyes.
Betty: maybe a little. She said as she shrugged her shoulders.
Sweet Pea: you know, it sucks that you're sick but I'm glad we get to spend this time together. I said.

I am usually always busy with the Serpents and she's in her final year of high school. Our time together where we can actually do something together is very limited. So although the circumstances really suck, I'm just glad I get to spend time with her.

Betty: no. She said with a grossed out look.
Sweet Pea: what? I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.
Betty: I look and feel so disgusting, I don't want you seeing me like this. She said. I chuckled.
Sweet Pea: so I can see you naked, but not sick? I chuckled.
Betty: I barely even like when you see me naked. She said.
Sweet Pea: why? You're so beautiful my love. I told her. She scrunched up her face and pretended to throw up.
Sweet Pea: stupid. I chuckled, kissing her head.

I held her tighter in my arms, completely valuing this time together.

Sweet Pea: I truly love you. I said as she rested her head in my neck, facing the tv.
Betty: you're alright. She said making me smirk.

I really hope you enjoyed x

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