Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

School had just finished and I took my boyfriends hand, leading him to the blue and gold.

Sweet Pea: what are you doing? I need to get James and Chloe. He said.
Betty: I need you to do me a favour. I said.
Sweet Pea: anything. He smiled.

Sweet Pea is the most amazing guy, but he's stressed.

I see him struggling everyday and putting others before himself. I hate that he does it for me as well.

I want to help him relax. He always does so much for me and I want to do something for him.

Betty: I want you to have a boys night with Fangs. Do whatever guys do together. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty, I don't have have time for that and you know it. He said confusedly.
Betty: they're mine tonight, have fun baby.
Sweet Pea: I can't ask you to do that. He said guiltily.
Betty: I'm not asking, now go. I said as I pushed him out.
Sweet Pea: are you sure? He asked seriously as he turned to face me. I smiled as I caressed his chin.
Betty: bub, I want to look after you the way you always have looked after me. Take a night off. I said.
Sweet Pea: fine. He said.
Betty: good. I smiled as I kissed his lips.

Sweet Pea caught up with Fangs as I took his truck and went to pick up James and Chloe.

They're Sweet Pea's younger siblings. Chloe is 5 and James is 6.

They're the most cutest kids. I just want to hug them to death.

I've always wanted to have siblings, they're the closest thing I have to it.

But on the down side, for Sweet Pea, he is the one who has to look after them alone. His parents both left when Chloe was only two years old.

I will never know how a parent could leave their child. Their own flesh and blood.

I love him and his siblings so much and I know how stressed Sweet Pea can get. I mean how can he not? He's a teenagers looking after kids.

So today I get to hang out with them and let Sweet Pea have a boys night with his best friend.


I arrived at their school and they ran up to me with smiles on their faces.

Betty: hello my little angels. I said as I crouched down.

They both embraced me in tight hugs.

James: hey Betty! He said excitedly.
Chloe: where's Pea? She asked as she looked into my eyes with her adorable blue ones.

Chloe has a little bit of separation anxiety from Sweet Pea.

Betty: Pea is out with Fangs. Which means that I get to look after you guys tonight. I smiled.
James: can we have ice-cream for dinner? He asked excitedly as I took their hands and we began walking to the truck.
Betty: only if you promise not to tell Sweet Pea. I smirked.
Chloe: can it be chocolate? She asked as we got into the truck.
Betty: anything your heart could possibly desire. I said making her smile.

As we were heading home, James looked to me and gave me a sweet, way too innocent smile.

Betty: what? I smirked.
James: can we go to the park? He asked.
Betty: of course. I chuckled.

We drove down to a park no more than ten minutes away from Sweet Pea's house.

I took a seat on the bench as I watched the two of them run around, going down slides, walking over wiggly bridges and riding the seesaw together.

They were having fun and just when I thought they had run out of energy, they ran up to me and asked me to push them on the swings.

They each took one of my hands and pulled me to the swing set.

They both took a seat on the swings and I began pushing them.

James: higher! Higher! He yelled with giggles.

I pushed him higher and then Chloe began yelling to go higher too.

They had soon, finally, lost all their energy and asked to go home.

They slowly and lazily walked to the truck.

When we arrived home, they flopped onto the couch and asked for ice-cream and to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Who am I to argue with the cutest, most adorable sweethearts ever to have been born?

I made James his Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry ice-cream as I made Chloe her chocolate one.

Chloe: can you get mr. teddy? She asked me with her puppy eyes.
James: imagine still needing a teddy bear- He started.
Betty: finish that sentence and I'm telling Sweet Pea it was you that broke the vase last week with the soccer ball that you're not meant to play with in the house. I warned him. He instantly stopped.
Betty: now apologise to her please. I said.
James: I'm sorry Chloe. He said.

I walked down the hall and into her room.

I picked up mr. teddy off her bed and walked back into the lounge.

I placed mr. teddy by Chloe's side and she gave me a great big smile.

I took a seat as I ate left over pasta from the night earlier.

I watched as James ate like he had never eaten before. I'm pretty sure he had more ice-cream over his face then in his mouth.

Betty: go clean your face. I said to him.
James: that's something Sweet Pea would say. He said.
Betty: good, now wash your face. I said.

He let out a loud groan and stomped down the hallway.

Chloe: boys are gross. She said with disgust.
Betty: they're all like that. I said.
Chloe: even Sweet Pea? She asked.
Betty: even Sweet Pea. I said.

James soon came back and we went back to watching the movie.

As the movie neared it's end, I saw as they both had started falling asleep against my shoulder. I watched as they fought to keep their eyes open.

Betty: come on kiddos, time for bed. I said and James whined.
James: no! Not yet! I'm not tired. He said.
Betty: you're eyes are barely open, bed. I said.
Chloe: can I stay with you? She asked as she held tightly onto mr. teddy.
James: if she can I want too. He said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes.
Betty: okay, go get changed first. I said and they nodded their heads.

I walked into Sweet Pea's room and changed into one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts.

I got into bed and in to time, James and Chloe were laying on either side of me.

They always like to sneak into bed with us during the middle of the night.

Betty: good night. I whispered to them both.

When I got no response, I knew that they had fallen asleep.


I had woken up and looked to Sweet Pea's side of the bed.

Sweet Pea: sorry Princess. He whispered as he leaned over James to kiss my head.
Betty: did you have a good night? I asked him as I closed my eyes.
Sweet Pea: it was great, how were they? He asked.
Betty: the most perfect angels. I said. He chuckled quietly.
Sweet Pea: they haven't been angels in a very long time. He said making me smile.
Sweet Pea: thank you for everything Betty. He said softly.
Betty: thank you for everything you do for me Pea. I smiled.


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