Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is boring tbh

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I had been hanging out at the Wyrm but he was being extremely distant from me.

We walked into his apartment and I turned to him.

Betty: what's wrong? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: look Betty. He said with a sigh.
Sweet Pea: I have a reputation to uphold as Serpents king. He said.
Betty: what are you trying to say? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: I don't want you trying to hug me or hold my hand in public. I chuckled.
Betty: I'm so sorry I just want to do the bare minimum with you. I said as I rolled my eyes.

He said nothing but let out an annoyed grunt as he turned away from me.

The way he's acting is beyond stupid in my opinion. He runs a gang, not the mafia. But still, who even complains about their significant other just wanting to hug or hold hands in public.

Betty: this is such a stupid argument and a waste of my time. I said.

I began walking to the door when he spoke up.

Sweet Pea: where are you going? He asked.
Betty: home. I said.

I left the Wyrm and headed home. I just genuinely can't believe he would start an argument over me showing my love for him.

I soon arrived home and went up to my room.

I've lived alone for the past five months. My sister Polly and my mother are apart of some cult and since I chose not to join them, they cut me out of their lives. My dad, Hal Cooper, he's been imprisoned for life.

So now it's just me, all alone in this big house.

It sometimes feels like I have no one to fall on, especially right now.

I spent about an hour in my room, scrolling through Instagram before I called it a night.


It's the next evening and Sweet Pea and I haven't spoken since yesterday. I don't know what is going on with that situation and I honestly don't have the energy to care.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I got a message from Veronica.

'I've just had two of my staff call in sick for tonight. Would you be able to come in?' She asked me.

Veronica owns her own speakeasy. Despite it being very illegal for her to own and for me to work in, the law inforcement in this town is nonexistent.

'Of course V' I messaged back. 'You're literally my guardian angel' she messaged making me chuckle.

I walked into my room and pulled out a short black dress.

I put on a little bit of makeup, just some lipstick, highlighter and mascara.

I got the rest of my stuff and headed down to Pops.

I soon arrived and once saying the code word for her speakeasy, I was in.

I went into the back and put my stuff away before I saw Veronica.

Veronica: I owe you everything. She said.
Betty: seriously, it's nothing. I honestly enjoy working here. I smiled.
Veronica: if you ever wanna job, you always have a place here. I smiled.

After catching up for a bit, I began working on the right side of the bar.

The demographic of this bar consists of men and woman aged between 21 to 35.

With this demographic in mind, there are still some older people who come here.

It's been an hour and five guys have already given me their numbers. They're all definitely way to old for me, but hey, who doesn't love a little bit of playful but not over the top attention.

Whenever I work a shift here and I get loads of numbers from guys or even girls, Sweet Pea and I will count how many and laugh about it.

Guess I won't be doing that tonight.

I was walking back to the bar to place in an order when I saw Sam, the person who guides people to their table and takes bookings. He was leading Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and Joaquin to a table in my section.

I continued walking to the bar and went behind so I could talk to Reggie, Veronica's boyfriend and my best friend. He was working behind the bar tonight.

Betty: I need to swap sections with you. I whispered as he was making a drink.

He looked up to my section and scanned the area quickly. Once he saw Sweet Pea, a small confused look formed on his face.

Reggie: how come? He asked.
Betty: Sweet Pea and I are, I don't even know what right now. But I don't want to talk to him. I said.
Reggie: okay. He said.
Betty: thank you so much. I said.

He gave me a smile before he told me what orders I needed to do and then left to take orders from my section.

For the rest of the night I worked at the bar and could feel Sweet Pea's eyes burning holes into me. But no matter what, I reframed from looking at him.

It was the last hour of my shift when a guy, about 21, extremely well dressed and a Rolex on his wrist walked over to the bar.

He sat opposite where I was standing and gave me a smirk.

Betty: hey, what can I get for you? I smiled.
Ian: you're finest scotch and Veronica Lodge. He said and I nodded my head.

I wonder how Veronica knew this guy? But in the meanwhile, I poured him a glass of scotch and then headed to Veronica's office.

Betty: V, some guy is here for you. She instantly sat up straight as she began fixing her hair. I raised an eyebrow.
Veronica: he's a potential investor. It's important that this meeting goes well. She said as she stood up. I nodded my head.

Both Veronica and I walked back down to the bar and she greeted Ian with a smile and a hug.

They took a seat by the table opposite the bar and they began talking. From what I could see, everything looked to be going well.

The evening was slowing down but Sweet Pea and his friend group were still here.

Reggie: hey, could you take the trash out to the dump master? He asked.
Betty: why can't you? I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes at me.

Reggie is 18 but still very much afraid of the dark.

Reggie: I feel like I'm being bullied in my place of work. I'm telling the boss. He said making me laugh.
Betty: the boss will laugh at you and then tell you to do it yourself. I said.
Reggie: please Betty. He said. I chuckled but nodded my head.

I went out to the back dumpster and threw the trash away.

I then went back inside and began wiping down the bar. Out of the corner of my eyes, I Saw Sweet Pea's group begin to leave. I was relieved that this awkward tension would be over, or so I thought.

I watched as Sweet Pea approached me, looking deep into my eyes. I simply looked away as I continued cleaning the bar.

Sweet Pea: Betts, can we talk? He asked.
Betty: I'm working. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. It was such a stupid thing of me to say. He said.
Betty: yeah, so stupid that it took you this long and hanging out with your friends to notice. I said as I shook my head.
Sweet Pea: Betty I love you so much. I had a shit day and I took it out on you for no reason. I really am sorry. He said and I looked up at him.
Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry. He repeated.
Betty: you ever going to say I'm to clingy again? I asked.
Sweet Pea: never. He said.

I let out a huff before I opened my mouth.

Betty: fine. I said.
Sweet Pea: thank you. He breathed out with relief, a smile covering his face.
Sweet Pea: I love you so much Betty, I truly do. He said.
Betty: I love you too Sweet Pea.

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