Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hey besties, the past two weeks I really just haven't been in the mood to write. Everything I've been posting is pre written. Sooo, this could be my last update for a while. Or, I may suddenly find motivation. Idk, so enjoy

Betty POV:

James and I sat at his desk in the corner of his room as we watched his monitor, flooding with questions.

Today is Valentine's Day and my boyfriend Sweet Pea, James' brother, had to stay late at the Wyrm.

Things were getting really bad between the Serpents and Ghoulies so he, his dad and other important Serpent members were organising some sort of raid. I don't really know, he tries to keep me out of it because it's safer.

So although it sucks we can't spend the night together, it doesn't really matter. He treats me like every other day is Valentine's Day, I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

James: Betty and James' friendship is the cutest. He read out a comment someone had said.
James: I honestly don't know why people say that. I actually really hate Betty. She's so annoying. He said and I looked to him with a soft smile.
Betty: you always say that but I know you love me. Plus, you're such an important person in my life, I'm really glad we're friends. He pretended to throw up.

James and I have a great friendship and he is such an important person in my life, to be fair, all of Sweet Pea's family are. They're such amazing people.

Another hour passed and we continued to answer questions.

Betty: can James please just say something nice about Betty. I read as I looked at him with a smirk.
James: being nice to people to their faces is so cringey. He said and I pouted.
James: fine. He groaned out.
James: I'll be 100% honest. You're honestly my best friend, how sad, but you truly are someone I care about and I'm so happy that my brother gets to have someone like you in his life. You've always been there for me, even if I was a complete jerk and didn't deserve it. He said and I embraced him in a tight hug.
James: that was so. He said then pretended to throw up.
Betty: that was so sweet. I smiled.

The rest of the night we answered some silly questions, questions about our lives and other random ones in between.

It started getting late so we called it a night and ended the stream.

We said good night to each other and I headed to my room.

I changed out of my clothes and into one of Sweet Pea's shirts. As I did that, I heard my phone go off.

'You're probably asleep rn but good night Princess, I probably won't be home for awhile. But breakfast date tomorrow will hopefully make up for it? I love you x' he messaged. I couldn't help the happy pout that formed on my face.

This man feels bad over not being able to spend his time with me, how bloody adorable.

'Bubba, seriously, you're all good. But I would love to have breakfast with you tomorrow. Good night, please stay safe <3'. I messaged back.


I woke up the next morning, slowly opening my eyes. They landed on Sweet Pea who was sleeping peacefully beside me.

I carefully got out of bed and changed out of his shirt and into one of mine and a pair of shorts.

I walked into the kitchen where James and Fp were.

Fp: morning. He smiled.
Betty: morning, what time did you guys get home? I smiled.
Fp: around 1, how come? He asked as he made himself a coffee.
Betty: trying to figure out what time I can expect Sweet Pea to get up. I said making the boys chuckle.

I decided that we'd have to postpone our breakfast date for now. There's no way he was going to wake up in time for breakfast and I wasn't going to wake him up. He's had a long night and he needs his rest.

We soon finished breakfast and I was relaxing in the lounge. Tyler was back to streaming and Fp was back at the Wyrm.

It reached just past 12:30 pm and Sweet Pea groggily walked into the lounge.

His eyes were still half closed as he laid on the couch, resting his head in my lap.

Betty: good afternoon sweet boy. I smiled. He titled his head up to me and he let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: please don't tell me it's the afternoon. He said. I chuckled as I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: fuck Betty, I am so sorry. Shit, I'm such a fucking dick. He said annoyedly at himself.
Betty: bubs stop being so hard on yourself. You needed sleep, which is more important than a date we can go on at any other time. I said, running my hand through his hair.
Sweet Pea: I'm still mad at myself. He said, closing his eyes.
Betty: well I'm in love with you for the both of us. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: go find a better boyfriend. He said. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his boyfriend.
Betty: stop. I chuckled.
Betty: you're perfect Sweet Pea, I'm happy. I told him.
Sweet Pea: can I take you out tonight? He asked.
Betty: sorry, I have plans with my other boyfriend. I winked.
Sweet Pea: even if you did, I'd understand. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: stop being stupid, of course I'd love too.


Sweet Pea and I were out by Sweet water river, where we had our first date.

This will always be my favourite place. Where we began our lives together.

He had set everything up so beautifully, it looked magical.

By now it was nearing the end of the night. His jacket was wrapped around me as I rested my head in his lap.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He said as he looked down at me.
Betty: I love you too. I smiled up at him.

The moment was sweet as the rest of the night was spent in silence. The evening was to good for words to describe.

Betty: I'm so happy with you. I whispered on the way home. He smiled as he connected our hands.
Sweet Pea: what did I do to deserve the best girlfriend? He said making me blush.
Betty: you're good looking enough, I guess. I teased.
Sweet Pea: I guess? Elizabeth, I am literally the hottest guy you've ever seen in your life. He said confidently.
Betty: mediocre at best my love. I smiled. He glared at me.

I giggled as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Betty: you're my boy. I smiled, making him blush.
Sweet Pea: stop. He mumbled.
Betty: sweet, cute, handsome boy. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: I hate you. He mumbled, the biggest blush on his face.

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