Betty x Sweet Pea // (siblings)

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Betty is 8 and Sweet Pea is 7 at the beginning of this story

Betty POV:

Hal: honey can you please come downstairs? He yelled from downstairs.
Betty: coming dad! I yelled from my room.

I put down my blanket as I was building a tent in my room.

I ran down the hall and then down the stairs.

I jumped into the chairs opposite my dad and looked at them.

Hal: we want to talk to you and hear your opinion on something really important. He said.
Betty: are you getting me a pony? Can she be pink? I asked excitedly. They let out a laugh.
Fp: not a pony, love. I let out a groan and crossed my arms.
Fp: we were thinking of adopting another child, so you could have a sibling. He said.
Betty: do I get to choose? I asked making them smile.
Hal: you can of course have a say, and you'll meet them before any permanent arrangements are made. Does that all sound okay to you. I nodded my head.
Fp: so to start with, do you want a brother or sister? He asked.

To be honest, I have someone in mind.

He was my best friend. He was shy and sweet.

His name is Sweet Pea, I'd always call him my pea pod.

I miss him every day.

He was very shy so he would only talk to me, I always wonder how he's doing.

Betty: I want a brother, a year younger then me, black hair and a little shorter than me. I said. They raised an eyebrow.
Hal: do you have someone in mind angel? He asked and I nodded my head.
Hal: what is his name? He asked me.
Betty: Sweet Pea. Please dad, I want him. He's my best friend. I begged.
Fp: we'll see what we can do. He said making me smile.


Hal: behave for Angie okay? He said to me.

Angie is my baby sister.

Today my dads were going to the adoption agency. All week I had been reminding them to ask for Sweet Pea.

Betty: I will but you need to find Sweet Pea. I said.
Fp: we will ask honey, I promise.
Betty: if you forget you'll ruin my life. I said.
Hal: we won't. He said as he kissed my head.

They had been gone for about three hours and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Sweet Pea and I living together again.

I've missed when I'd give him cuddles until he had fallen asleep because he was afraid of the dark. I miss when I'd hold his hand because he was scared I'd lose him. I miss how shy he was around everyone but me.

When my dads arrived, I immediately asked if they asked for Sweet Pea.

Fp: hello to you too. He smiled.
Betty: dad! I whined out.
Hal: we asked for Sweet Pea, we even saw him. He said.
Betty: is he going to live with us now? I asked excitedly as I jumped on the couch.
Hal: not yet. He said and my face dropped.
Betty: why? I asked as tears formed in my eyes.

Fp picked me up and pulled me into his lap. He hugged me as he kissed my head.

Fp: remember the process we had to go through with you? He asked.
Betty: I can't wait that long daddy! I said as a tear rolled down my face.
Hal: hey, come on now kiddo, you'll see him soon. And plus, it'll be quicker than last time, now that they know us, it makes things go a lot quicker. He said as he called me down.
Betty: you promise? I asked.
Fp: promise. He smiled.


It's been three months and the day I have finally been waiting for is here.

Sweet Pea walked into his new house and I ran up to him. I held him as tight as I could.

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