Betty x Sweet Pea

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short but sweet

Betty POV:

I just walked out of the first part, out of three, of my math test. I completely messed it up. I had no idea what I was doing.

I walked to my locker and let out a sigh. My friends soon followed after me and were all talking about how they went. They were giving very different answers to what I did.

I don't even know why I'm so upset about this. I walked into that test knowing that I was going to fail it. Math has always been my weakest subject. No matter how hard I try, I keep failing.

Veronica: hey, at least media will make up for it. She said, trying to cheer me up.

On our last assignment, we both got 100% and we're the top of our four student class. And, media is much more important to me than math.

I offered her a smile, I appreciate her trying to cheer me up.

I said goodbye to my friends as I headed out of school.

Usually I would get the bus home but I asked my boyfriend Sweet Pea to pick me up today.

Before the test, I was having a really great day. I got results for three practice questions I did for art and got 4/5 for each of them. Then, about thirty minutes later we finally got our year twelve jackets. It was really exciting to finally get them and put our jackets on.

I didn't want to carry my blazer home so I asked Sweet Pea to pick me up. He agreed and asked if I'd stay at his tonight. I obviously said yes.

Now, I'm not so much in the mood. I'm just really upset about the test and I wouldn't be the best company.

I saw Sweet Pea's truck and he greeted me with a big smile.

Sweet Pea: damn, look at you baby. He said happily.

He knew how excited I was to get my jacket.

Betty: thanks. I said and he instantly frowned.
Sweet Pea: babe what's wrong? He asked.
Betty: I just want to go home. I mumbled as I rested my head against the window.
Sweet Pea: you mean mine, right? He asked. I shook my head no.
Sweet Pea: Betty, tell me what's wrong? He asked.
Betty: I had my math test and I fucked it up. There was only one question and it was worth ten marks. I know I didn't get a single part right. I said, not looking at him.
Sweet Pea: bubba, you know you struggle in math but do so good in your other subjects. You can't be perfect at everything my love. He said.
Betty: I know, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't do it. I said as I turned to face him.
Sweet Pea: like I said, you can't be perfect at everything. Don't focus on math, it's pretty useless anyway. Focus on the amazing results you got today. He smiled.
Betty: how did you know about those? I asked confusedly.

My school uses an app, we get all our assignments, work, results etc on it.

Sweet Pea: you've logged onto the app using my phone. He said with a chuckle.

I didn't say anything else, I was still in an off mood.

Sweet Pea: Betty I'm seriously always so proud of you, this test is so insignificant. He said.
Betty: no it's not. I mumbled.
Sweet Pea: Baby. He said sternly, wanting me to stop caring so much.
Betty: fine. I said.
Sweet Pea: good, now where's my hug? He said making a small smile form on my face.

I moved closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his torso, holding him tight.

Sweet Pea: that's my cuddly Princess. He smiled as I looked up to him.

I leaned up a little and our lips met in a soft kiss.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much Betty. He smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Betty: I love you too. I said.

Sweet Pea and I then headed to his house and after talking to Fp for a little bit and looking through the pantry for snacks, we headed to his room.

I jumped onto his bed and he let out a chuckle as he put the food to my side. He got in next to me and pulled me as close to him as possible.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and picked up some food for us to share.

Betty: you're the best. I smiled.

I really appreciate Sweet Pea, he always knows exactly what to do and say to help me cheer up a bit.

Sweet Pea: I'm always here for you. He said with a smile.

I smiled too as I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could.

Betty: you're the love of my life. I whispered into his chest.

enjoy xx

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