Betty x Sweet Pea

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ignore the random POV switch, sometimes I will be writing and subconsciously switch the POV lol.

Third person POV:

There they sat in their apartment, the most unlikely couple imaginable.

She was what everyone but himself, knew to be as sweet as sugar. She got straight A's, defended her friends and did everything she could to make you smile. She was someone who everyone admired.

He on the other hand, well, he would be described as deadly as a gun.

He takes no shit and isn't afraid to use his gun or switchblade to get his point across. He's known to be the one in control and not to be messed with, because otherwise they'll never get the chance to mess with him again, or breathe. But she knew him to be the most loving and caring guy she ever knew.

So how did these lovers meet and what compelled them to get together?

The rather not so innocent blonde sat at the diner known to everyone in town, North Sider or South, Pops.

It had been yet another difficult day of trying to fit into her mother's abusive and unrealistic standards.

Her mother was blowing up her phone, asking where she was and telling her how much trouble she was going to be in when she got home.

She rolled her eyes as she turned off her phone and received her food from a smiling Pop. She thanked him and began eating her food.

It had been about five minutes when a group of South Siders walked into the diner. Each of them wearing the infamous Serpent jackets.

All of her life she had been told that anyone who came from the South Side was bound to end up in jail and that they're trouble she shouldn't associate with. Especially someone who is apart of the Serpents.

It all never made sense to Betty. How could half a town all be bad? It didn't add up.

She watched as they approached her table. There was a tall male, at least six foot with a snake tattoo on his neck who stood in the front. Behind him was a girl and another boy.

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: you're in our spot, move. He said as he crossed his arms and looked at me with a scowl.

I looked this man up and down before I looked back up to him.

Betty: no. I said as I gave him a fake smile.

Honestly, if he were to kill me, I've accepted it. I could finally escape my shit family.

The three of them looked to each other, clearly confused.

The one in front pulled out his gun and pointed it towards my chest.

I mean if he shoots, it'll take me out quick and with little pain.

Sweet Pea: I said move. He said.
Betty: and I said no. Hard for you to understand? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Toni: want me to deal with her? She asked the male. He smirked at me.
Sweet Pea: no.

I could see the two of them had confused looks on his face. Even I was confused why he just let me off like that.

Sweet Pea: she can stay with us. He said as he took a seat next to me.

The other two sat opposite him and I.

Sweet Pea: do you know who I am? He asked as he turned his head to face me.
Betty: no. I said and they all gave me such confused looks.
Sweet Pea: how? He said like it was impossible that I don't know who he was.
Betty: you're probably just not important. I said and his jaw just dropped.
Sweet Pea: Princess, I'm extremely, extremely important. He said. I again looked him up and down.
Betty: sure. I said sarcastically.

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