Betty x Sweet Pea

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Have you been looking after yourself today? You deserve it <3

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I sat in the backseat of Fp's truck as my boyfriend's head rested in my lap. I ran my hand through his slightly wavy hair as I looked down at him.

He had just had his wisdom teeth removed and was still very much high from the laughing gas.

"Betts?" Sweet Pea asked as he looked up to me.

"Yeah?" I asked him softly.

"I'm dying" he told me with a frown. I chuckled as I shook my head.

"Sweet Pea, you're fine" I smiled at him.

"No I'm not, but it's fine" he said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Once I die, you can't move on from me" he said, making both Fp and I chuckle.

"So you want her to be miserable for the rest of her life?" Fp asked with amusement.

"Yes" Sweet Pea said as he nodded his head.

"If you died, wouldn't you want me to move on at some point?" I asked him.

"No. You have to grieve for as long as you live" he said as he closed his eyes.

"So no new boyfriend for me?" I asked.

"Nope, no other guys. You're also not going to move out" he said matter of factly.

"How long will I have to be sad after your death?" I asked him, continuing to play with his hair.

"Indefinitely" he said making us laugh.

"Well in the after life, are you going to get with another girl?" I asked him and he quickly shook his head no.

"Never Betty" he told me seriously.

"I'm definitely going to get a new boyfriend though" I said to mess with him.

"Betty no! Don't! That's not fair" he whined out making Fp burst into absolute laughter.

"Dad, you have to make her not get a new boyfriend" Sweet Pea said urgently and with frustration.

"I'll find her a Serpent" Fp told Sweet Pea and he let out the biggest gasp.

Poor boy, he's high on gas and we're bullying the hell out of him.

"Sweets, I'm kidding. I promise that when you unfortunately die, I'll be miserable for the rest of my life and never even look at a guy again" I said making him smile.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me" he said as he snuggled his head into my legs.

On the rest of the drive home, he was thankfully quite, well, majority of the time. Every now and then he'd complain that I wasn't massaging his head enough.

We soon arrived home and Fp helped Sweet Pea into our room.

As Fp did that, I walked into the lounge where I saw Tyler, Sweet Pea's brother, and Fangs, Sweet Pea's best friend.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Decided to come check on him, see if he's any nicer when he's drugged up" Fangs said making me chuckle.

I went into the kitchen and made Sweet Pea a glass of water and then Fangs and I headed down the hall.

We walked into Sweet Pea and I's room where he was laying like a starfish on top of the blankets.

"I want cuddles" Sweet Pea demanded as he looked at me.

"Okay Bub" I chuckled as I placed the glass of water on his bedside table and then laid next to him.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped one arm around me, making sure I was close to him at all times.

"You too, cuddles" Sweet Pea said to Fangs, making his whole face light up.

"I have asked this kid to cuddle with me since I was four, it's finally happening" Fangs said making me laugh as he jumped onto our bed.

Fangs snuggled himself into Sweet Pea's side and he wrapped his arm around his best friend.

I watched as Fangs pulled out his phone and opened up his camera.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled as my head rested on Sweet Pea's shoulder.

"Taking a picture because he's never gonna believe it later" he said making me grin.

He quickly took the picture and then stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He rested his head on Sweet Pea's shoulder and I chuckled by how much Fangs was enjoying this.

"Do I need to worry about you stealing my man?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow, a grin on my face.

"I kissed him when we were twelve, he told me to fuck off and get him a drink" Fangs told me, making me laugh.

"He has a way with words" I smirked making Fangs chuckle.

"Stop talking like I'm not here" Sweet Pea said in the saddest tone and with the most heartbreaking frown.

"Bubs we're just talking about how much we love you" I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

"Good" he said making me chuckle.

"Fangs, can you do me a favour?" He asked softly.

"What's that?" Fangs asked him.

"Make sure when I die that Betty doesn't date anyone else" he told Fangs.

"I'll make sure she won't, you have my word" he said making Sweet Pea smile in relief.

"I know I can trust you" he smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully.

Once the three of us had finished laughing, well mainly Fangs and I laughing at Sweet Pea, and talking about other random things, Sweet Pea's grip around me began to loosen.

"I'm so tired" he mumbled as he turned to face me.

"Go to sleep babe" I said as I ran my hand through his hair.

"That's my cue to leave, look after Satan" Fangs smirked.

"Bye Fangs" I chuckled as he got up.

"Bye Sweet Pea" he chuckled as he headed out.

Sweet Pea wrapped both his arms around me and kissed my neck, then snuggled his head into me.

"Do you want the blanket over you hun?" I asked him.

"Yes please" he said.

I went to sit up so I could reach over for the blanket at the end of our bed and he let out a whine.

"Bubba I need cuddles" he said sadly.

"Yeah just give me a mintue" I said softly.

"You don't even love me" he said as he crossed his arms and dug his head into my pillow.

I smiled to myself as I picked up the blanket and wrapped it over him. He's adorably cute.

I laid next to him and he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you Pea Pod" I whispered to him.

"I love you too" he said as he snuggled his head into the back of my neck.

Cutie pies

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