Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

I walked into my best friends trailer uninvited and unannounced.

Before I walked into his room, I walked into his kitchen and pulled out two beers from the fridge.

I walked into his room and looked to his laying body.

Sweet Pea: sit up asshole. I told him.

He gave me an annoyed but confused look. He did as I said and then I handed him his beer.

Fangs: why are you here? He asked as he put his beer on his bed side table.

I cracked open the top and took a quick swig before I looked down to him.

Sweet Pea: what's going on with you? I asked seriously as I took a seat on the chair in the corner of his room.
Fangs: nothing. He said as he rolled his eyes at me.
Sweet Pea: no, Betty and I have been putting up with your bullshit for the last two weeks and I know we're both over it. So what is going on with you? I asked him again.

These past two weeks Fangs has acted so different when he's with either Betty or I.

Betty is my girlfriend and they became pretty good friends as soon as I introduced them to each other. Which is extremely important to me.

Fangs: nothing, now drop it. He said sternly.
Sweet Pea: no, when you're acting like a dick towards my girlfriend, we have a problem that we're going to sort out. I said to him sternly.
Fangs: back off. He said.
Sweet Pea: we've been best friends for the past 15 years and you think I'll just give up like that? You better start explaining yourself now. I said to him.

He bit his inner lip as he let out a sigh, but he remained silent.

Sweet Pea: come on dude, tell me. Has something between you and Betty happened? I asked. He instantly shook his head.
Fangs: of course not. He said.
Sweet Pea: do you not like her anymore? I asked.
Fangs: no. He said.
Sweet Pea: Depression? I asked. He just raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: I'm just trying to cover all my basis. I said.
Fangs: you haven't asked if you're the problem. He said. I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: of course I'm not the problem. I said.
Fangs: and you think Betty would be? He said defensively.

I gave him a questioning look. He let out a loud groan as he sat up.

Fangs: fuck. He said.
Sweet Pea: dude seriously, please tell me what's bothering you. I said to him.
Fangs: you're going to hate me. He said as he closed his eyes.
Sweet Pea: unless you've fucked Betty behind my back, there isn't much you can do to make me hate you. I said with a chuckle. He said nothing.
Sweet Pea: did you- I started.
Fangs: no, of course not. He said.
Sweet Pea: please just tell me. I said.
Fangs: I'm so sorry. He said as he looked up at the ceiling, tears welling up in his eyes.
Fangs: I like Betty. He said.

I looked at him for a moment as he continued to look away from me.

Sweet Pea: how long? I whispered as I moved from the chair and sat beside him.
Fangs: a month. He said.

I let out a sigh as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Sweet Pea: can't blame you for loving her, she's the sweetest angel. I said.
Fangs: what do I do know? He asked me.
Sweet Pea: well, we're going to go to her house, we're going to have a chill night and you're going to apologise to her for being a distant dickhead. I said.
Fangs: you want me around her? He asked in shock.
Sweet Pea: duh, you and her have to get along. No if's no but's.
Fangs: I'm sure she doesn't want to see me. He said as I pulled him up with me.
Sweet Pea: she will, once you've apologised. You forget how nice she is, a small character flaw of hers. I'm working on making her meaner. I said as we walked to my truck.
Fangs: she can do so much better than you. He said as he shook his head.
Sweet Pea: hopefully you're not implying yourself. I said.
Fangs: no- I
Sweet Pea: chill dude. You have to lighten up. I said.
Fangs: why aren't you mad? He said as we got into my truck.
Sweet Pea: you can't help who you like and I really don't want to lose my best friend or girlfriend. You two are so important to me and it's so important that you guys get along with each other.

The rest of the drive to Betty's house was quite, everything between us that needed to be said had been said.

We soon arrived at her house and she greeted us with her usual cheery smile. It slightly diminished when she saw that Fangs was with me.

Betty: hi. She said to the both of us.
Sweet Pea: hey Princess. I smiled as I kissed her head.
Sweet Pea: you two need to do some chatting so I'm going upstairs and watching a movie. I said and then walked up to her room.

I jumped into her bed and picked up the remote, turning on Netflix.

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea walked off to my room, leaving Fangs and I alone.

We turned to face each other, neither of us saying anything. He let out a sigh.

Fangs: I'm sorry for this awkward tension that I've created between us, I never meant for this to happen. He said to me.
Betty: what happened between us? I asked as I gave him an upset look.

One day everything between us was perfect. We were best friends, annoying Sweet Pea and the three of us relaxing, watching movies together. Then suddenly it was over, a weird tension between us was present.

Fangs: god this is so awkward and weird to say. He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair.
Betty: just say it Fangs. I said softly.
Fangs: I like you. He said.

I was in complete shock. I truly never would have thought that that was the reason there was a tension between us.

Fangs: I promise I'm not going to do anything shifty or- He started but I interrupted him.
Betty: I trust you Fangs. You should have come to me earlier. I thought you hated me. I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.
Fangs: I'm sorry. He sighed.
Fangs: I never meant to upset you. He said.
Betty: so we're all okay now? I asked him.
Fangs: if you don't hate me. He said.
Betty: of course I don't hate you Fangs. I said.
Fangs: then I'd really like if we could go back to being friends. He said.
Betty: did you demote me to friend? We're best friends asshole. I said with a smirk. He chuckled as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders and we walked up to my room.
Fangs: you're better than Sweet Pea. He whispered.
Betty: well no shit Fangsy. I smirked making him chuckle.

We walked into my room and I jumped onto
on my bed. Sweet Pea wrapped me into his arms as Fangs sat besides us.

Sweet Pea: you guys all good? He asked as I rested my head on his chest.
Betty: yeah, and I'm his favourite now. Not you. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: as if. You think you can beat 15 years of friendship? He said.
Betty: I don't need 15 years. You seem like a bit of a loser PeaPod. I smirked.
Fangs: children, children, there is enough of me to go around. He chuckled.

We soon all settled down and watched whatever Sweet Pea had started.

It had been going for over two hours when Fangs had fallen asleep.

Sweet Pea: you okay with everything that's happened? He whispered as he held me tighter in his arms.
Betty: it was a shock. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: you feel comfortable with him being around? He asked.
Betty: Sweet Pea, I trust Fangs, I know he won't try anything. I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah of course I know that and trust him too, just wanted to check up on you. He said. I smiled at him.
Betty: I love you. I said as I kissed his forehead.
Sweet Pea: what? No kiss on the lips? He said with a cocky smile.
Betty: you don't deserve it. I whispered as I leaned closer to him.

His hand ran under my shirt and up to the middle of my back, gently rubbing his thumb in a circular motion.

Betty: fuck you for being so hot. I mumbled as I kissed his lips.
Sweet Pea: I love you too Princess.

I hope you enjoyed x

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