Betty x Sweet Pea

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I'm so bored of being like the only consistent Swetty writer. Like I want to read other peoples work daily ughhhhh!

Betty POV:

I was washing up the dishes from dinner when I heard a knock on the door. I picked up a cloth and dried my hands as I walked to the door.

I unlocked the door, revealing Sweet Pea. He had a sorry look on his face as he held a present in his hands.

"Betty I know you don't want to see me but please, just give this to her for me" he said as he tried handing me the present.

"You can give it to her" I said as I walked to my daughters room.

"You have a visitor honey" I smiled at my daughter.

Her whole face instantly lit up as she jumped up from the floor and went to hug him.

"I'll be in the kitchen" I smiled at her as I walked out of her room. 

I was about to walk down the hall but I heard my daughter sound just so happy to see him.

"I missed you!" She said excitedly.

Sweet Pea and I have been dating for two years but as of last week our almost perfect relationship went down hill, and fast.

Sweet Pea was out late at the Wyrm doing some work so it was just myself and my daughter Poppy at home. There was some weird noises and those noises unfortunately turned out to be the opposing gang of Sweet Pea's. No one was hurt but it was enough for me to tell Sweet Pea he wasn't welcome back in my house.

"I know, I missed you too. I've just been really busy" he told her softly.

"Well you're going to not be busy for awhile then?" My five year old asked him.

Poppy absolutely adores Sweet Pea. He's the only father figure she's ever had in her life. They have the most perfect and adorable relationship and that's what makes this whole situation hurt so much more.

"Unfortunately not hun, that's why I wanted to give you this" he said. I could hear the pain in his voice.

"What? You're not coming to my party?" She asked with the most heartbreakingly sad voice.

"No, I'm sorry" he said.

"But, but you have to" she said.

I walked back into the kitchen as tears welled up into my eyes. She absolutely loves him but it's terrifying that her life can possibly be put in danger since we're associated with him.

I wiped my eyes as I continued finishing up the dishes.

After five minutes or so I could hear as Sweet Pea walked down the hall.

"Thank you for letting me see her" he said with the saddest voice.

"What am I supposed to do Sweet Pea?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"Betty I will do anything to fix this" he said as he kept his distance from me.

"There were fucking gang members in my house Sweet Pea" I said frustratedly.

"I will make sure to secure this whole place and make sure that it never, ever happens again Betty. You know I would never intentionally let anything happen to you or her. I love you both to death" he said as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Please Betty, I can't lose you two. You don't understand how important our family is to me" he said as he stepped closer to me.

"Do you think I want to lose what we have either? She adores you Sweet Pea, everyday she asks where you are. Every night she asks for you to put her to bed. Do you know how shit I feel every night because she's upset?" I told him angrily.

"I love you" he said as he held my hand.

"And I love you too but my daughter will always come first" I told him.

"I love that kid more than I love myself" he said as he held my hand tighter.

"What do I do when they break into my house again?" I asked as I pulled my hand out of his.

I put all my weight onto my hands as I rested them on the edge of the kitchen sink. I looked out the window as I let out a sigh.

"I won't let it happen again" he said. I closed my eyes as a frown formed on my face.

"How do you know that Sweet Pea?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"I never want to lose what I have right now. My life never had purpose until I met you two" he said as he looked deep into my eyes.

"How come you're still here?" My daughter asked confusedly as she walked down the hall.

We both turned to face her. She was in her pyjamas as she held her pink teddy beer, Mr. Fuzzy. Sweet Pea had given her that on her fourth birthday and she sleeps with it every night.

"Turns out Sweet Pea can stay the night" I smiled at her.

Sweet Pea gave me the most grateful look as Poppy squealed excitedly.

"You have to come play with me" she said as she took his hand and began dragging him to her room.

I smiled as I finished up in the kitchen and headed into the lounge.

Half an hour or so later they came into the lounge. She was on his back, laughing and giggling as he gently placed her onto the couch next to me.

"Did you have fun?" I smiled as she jumped onto me.

"Yes! Sweet Pea said he's going to get me a dog" she said excitedly.

I looked to Sweet Pea as I raised my eyebrows. He gave me a nervous smile.

"That's funny, he didn't tell me about it" I said as he took a seat by my side.

"I was just about to tell you actually" he said.

Poppy jumped off of me and picked up the remote. She laid on the floor as she changed the channel to one for kids. Her attention was completely fixed on the tv as I turned to face Sweet Pea who was already looking at me.

"Yes?" I whispered as I raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm so grateful Betts" he said making a small smile form on my face.

Knowing how much he loves and cares for this family that we've created means so much to me.

I moved myself so my head was resting on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight to him.

"I love you Sweet Pea, so much. Safety is just so important honey" I said and I could feel as he nodded his head.

"I know Betts and nothing like this will happen again. You both mean so much more than the world to me" he said making me smile.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you two" he said. I titled my head so I could face him.

"Her and I want that more than anything Sweet Pea. You mean the world to her" I said and he smirked.

"What about you? What do I mean to you?" He asked.

"A lot, like when you change the light bulbs, and when you wash up, that's really great" I started and he tickled my side.

"You mean everything to me Sweet Pea, more than you could ever imagine" I said as I looked to my daughter, giggling at something on the tv.

I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to vote and comment. I really appreciate it

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