Betty x Sweet Pea

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Instead of saying I hope you enjoy. I will tell you, you are going to enjoy! (Ps. I can not confirm if you will like it or not)

Sweet Pea POV:

I was sitting at my friend groups lunch table as I looked at Betty for a quick moment. She was sitting and smiling as she talked to Veronica and Reggie, two people she's known for barely five months.

"Sweets, you have no reason to be jealous" Fangs, one of my closest friends spoke to me.

"So you're not annoyed that she's playing best friends with these randoms? Like we haven't known her our whole lives" I said as I looked to him.

"Firstly, you've known her your whole life and secondly, she's just making new friends" he said.

"And what about us? Her old friends. Are we old news to her?" I said.

"Come on, walk with me" he said as he stood up. I sighed as I got up too.

"Where are you guys going?" Betty asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Bored just sitting so we're gonna walk around" Fangs said and Betty nodded her head.

Fangs and I walked away from the rest of our group and he looked up to me, a knowing smirk on his face.

"What?" I sighed.

"You're jealous she's going to date anyone other than you" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"That's not even remotely true" I said and he bursted out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Shut up idiot" I said as I punched his side.

"Ask her out. That's all she's waiting for" Fangs said as he rubbed his side where I had hit him.

"I think she'd rather Reggie ask her out. She's falling at the knees for that brain dead footballer" I said.

I don't like that things have changed a lot since we moved to Riverdale High. Everything was easy and predictable in our lives. Now everything is different and I feel like it's changing my relationship with her. Although Fangs tells me I'm just overreacting.

"This is the first time a guy has shown her any attention, of course she's acting like that. I did when Joaquin looked in my direction for more than a second" he chuckled. I still gave him an unconvinced look.

"Look, when you see her later, tell her she's pretty. Just give her a compliment" he said.

We continued talking until the bell went. We each headed to our lockers and then met in English class.

I took a seat next to Betty and Fangs sat on the other side of her. This is the one class where it's just the three of us.

"Veronica is having a party tonight, you're coming right?" she said to the both of us.

"I think I'll pass" I said and she frowned.

Going to random parties isn't my thing, and a North siders? I'd rather do just about anything else.

"Sweets, you have to come" she said.

"I actually can't think of anything worse than going to some North Side party" I said.

"It's not some random party, it's Veronica's. Please Sweets, I don't want to be there alone" she said.

"I'll come" Fangs said.

"Yeah but you always get drunk and flirt with guys" she said making me chuckle, she's not wrong.

"What, you want me to flirt with you instead?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

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