Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Betty POV:

"Hey darling" he smiled as I took a seat on the couch.

"Hey" I smiled as he stopped doing what he was doing on his computer and faced me.

He asked me many questions about how it was with my uncle. He was very apprehensive about me letting my uncle stay, worried that he'd turn out to be someone like my father or mother. But I guaranteed him that my uncle is someone I trust.

"Any of them giving you trouble?" He asked, referring to anyone within the farm. I shook my head no.

"Just Sweet Pea" I said as I rolled my eyes. He gave me a confused look.

"What does he want with you?" He asked skeptically.

"God knows. He started off by saying I hadn't done enough to rescue the people from the farm. Then apologised. He then came back the next day to get my advice on what to do with Fangs, and now claims he wants us to be friends" I scoffed out. He rolled his eyes at Sweet Pea's actions.

"You want me to deal with him?" He asked. I smiled as I shook my head.

"He has nothing going on inside that brain of his and can't decide what to do about Fangs without my help. He'll be gone and back to hating me in a few days" I said and Fp chuckled.

"Seriously though, I'll deal with him if you need it" he said and I nodded my head.

"How did you feel when he mentioned Fangs?" He asked.

"I couldn't wait for the topic of him to be done" I said and he nodded his head, not pressing me any further.

I stayed with Fp for a little longer, until he told me I should go home and get some rest. After all, I have school tomorrow. The school has reduced by nearly half. It's crazy just how many people have fallen under the farms spell.

I arrived home and walked up the front porch, feeling absolutely exhausted. I'm so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I wish this terrible town would give me a break.

I walked inside and saw the light in the kitchen on. I let out a sigh as I realised I'd still have to deal with Sweet Pea.

"I made pasta, do you want some?" He asked as he sat at the table.

On the one hand, I haven't eaten since breakfast. I haven't been really taking good care of myself, it hasn't been to high of a priority of mine. But then if I agree to eating what he made, it seems as if I'm happy or okay with him being here.

"Okay" I said.

"Sit" he smiled as he stood up and went to the stove.

This is all very weird I thought to myself as I took a seat opposite where he was sitting.

"Here" he said softly as he placed a bowl of pasta in front of me.

"Thanks" I said as he took a seat opposite me.

"How'd it go?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Well I'm not here with Fangs" he said disappointedly. Of course it went terrible but I gave him a sympathetic look.

"Kevin asked me to check in on you. They told me what they" he started but I interrupted. I don't want to relive what they did to me.

"If you're going to stay here even though I've told you to leave multiple times, you're not going to mention that or anything that has to do with the farm" I told him sternly. He was clearly taken back by my sudden change in attitude.

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