Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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This is where shit gets interesting. Or it doesn't. Idk. BUT I HAVE DONE SOMETHING SO LIFE CHANGING (not really). I've finally set myself a reminder for when I need to post. Literally the best thing I've done. Over two years of forgetting to post or posting really late, I finally set myself a reminder. I'm very happy 😂

Betty POV:

I was greeted by the twins who were jumping up and down, squealing excitedly at my arrival.

"Look at my angels, getting so big" I said as I kneeled down to embrace them both in a big hug.

"Presents! Presents!" They both yelled excitedly.

"You don't see your aunt for months and all you care about is presents?" I said as I shook my head playfully.

"Kids" Polly smirked as she walked out of the kitchen. I smiled at her.

"This is for you" I said as I handed Dagwood her toy.

"And this is for you" I smiled at Juniper.

They smiled excitedly as they ran to the couch and jumped onto it, excitedly trying to open their toys.

"I've missed you so much" Polly smiled as she walked up to me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"I missed you too" I whispered into her shoulder as I held her as tight as I could.

"Once they've settled for the night, we'll talk" she said softly as she unwrapped her arms from around me.

"Okay" I said and she caressed my cheek.

"Good, go enjoy spending time with them. Gives me a break" she smirked making me smile.

She walked back into the kitchen and I took a seat opposite the kids on the coffee table.

"I can't open this" Juniper huffed.

"Give it to me" I smiled at her.

She handed the toy to me and thankfully I was able to open it. That would have been really embarrassing if I couldn't.

"This is so cool!" Dagwood said excitedly as she began playing with this barbie toy I found.

You could hold your hand underneath the toy and it would fly.

"Wow" Juniper said as she jumped off of the couch and began setting up her race track for her cars.

"What do you say to Aunty Betty?" Polly asked the twins as she took a seat on the arm chair.

"Thank you" they both said with the cutest smiles.

"You're very welcome" I smiled as I took a seat on the couch.

Both Polly and I watched as the kids played with their toys. Seeing their happy smiles made time stand still.

Jason soon came home and as soon as he saw me, he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I thought our phone call yesterday was just a terrible nightmare" he sighed.

"Daddy that's mean" Juniper told Jason.

"Yeah dad, that was mean" I smirked at him.

"Come with me" he said in a serious sort of tone.

"Why?" Polly asked him. He gave her a soft smile.

"Aren't I allowed to continue telling her how annoying she is?" He smirked.

"I'll be fine Polly, worst comes to worst, I'll beat him up" I winked.

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