Betty x Sweet Pea

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Important! This is the last one shot of this book so make sure to scroll all the way to the end of this chapter because there will be an update post after it!!!

Betty POV:

"I'm proposing that we get Pops for dinner" I said to my dad as he looked through the fridge to see what he could make for dinner.

"And I'm telling you no" he chuckled.

"But it would be so much easier for you. Wouldn't you rather get take away than have to cook and then clean everything?" I said.

"I could just make you clean everything" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, that's probably very un" I started but was interrupted by the sound of a gun being fired next door.

I looked to my dad for a moment before we both ran to the door. I picked up my gun and went straight into Fp's house.

On the floor was Jughead, he had a bullet wound to his chest and blood was pouring out of him.

"Oh my god what have you done!" I yelled at Sweet Pea as I rushed up to Jughead.

"Let him fucking die" Sweet Pea said angrily as he tried pulling me off of Jughead.

"Dad get him out of here" I said and my dad worked on pushing Sweet Pea out of the lounge before he tried attacking Jughead again.

"What the fuck happened Jughead?" I asked him as I used his jacket to press down on where the bullet entered his chest.

He just let out a groan, unable to speak as I pulled out my phone and called a couple Serpents who live near by. It's not like I can just call the ambulance to come and get him. They would straight away contact the police and they would easily find all the guns scattered around this house.

Once Jughead was removed from Sweet Pea's house I walked outside and saw my dad yelling at Sweet Pea who wasn't taking it serious.

I don't know what on earth happened here tonight but it never should have. We can't just go around killing whoever we want. It especially doesn't make sense since Jughead has been Sweet Pea's best friend since they were six.

"Why the fuck did you shoot him?" I asked him angrily.

He's just created a big problem and he's disrespecting my dad, those are two things I'm not going to put up with.

"He fucked Chantelle" he said angrily.

Chantelle is, was his girlfriend of over a year. Jughead was his best friend. I can totally understand why he's upset but trying to kill Jughead is incredibly stupid. Bash him up, make his life hell, anything but shooting him would have been so much better.

"I'm really sorry that happened but do you know how bad of a situation we're all in now?" I said sternly.

"I'll make him keep his mouth shut. Better yet I'll shoot him again, this time directly into his heart" he said.

"You and him aren't having anymore contact" I said sternly.

"You do understand he's going to tell the cops everything, right?" My dad told him frustratedly.

"He won't once I'm done with him" Sweet Pea said, only annoying both my dad and I even more.

He's missing the complete point here. We're trying to protect him from going to jail because at the moment that looks like where he's going. He's so angry that he can't see that he's really fucked up here.

"Sweet Pea you aren't listening to us. You just shot and tried to kill someone who has already fucked you over. You think he's going to care if you go to jail?" I yelled at him.

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