Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

It's been a week since the most traumatic day of my life, and everyone else's.

I was at school and it was like every other day, until third period.

I was in math with my boyfriend Sweet Pea and his best friend Jughead.

The teacher was explaining to us what formulas we'd need for the next chapter and how to use them.

The teacher was explaining what cosine meant when we heard the sound of multiple phones go off. But they were only the Serpents.

Jughead and Sweet Pea gave each other a weird look, noticing too that it was only the Serpents who received this message.

Sweet Pea unwrapped his arm from around me as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

I watched around the room as worried looks formed on all their faces. Just as that happened, there was a loud bang. I looked to Sweet Pea, scared and confused.

Jughead: everyone needs to get out of here. There's a bomb and Ghoulies are shooting people. He said.

I turned to Sweet Pea. He didn't notice my look as he watched everyone around us run out of the room.

Sweet Pea: they're going to go straight into the Ghoulies bullets. He said.

He then turned to me. He saw how scared I was so he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.

Jughead: we need to leave before they track down that those people ran from this room. He said.

As we made our way out, staying as quiet and as out of sight as we could. Sweet Pea kept me close to him at all times.

He protected me. He's my hero.

Multiple people died that day. The sound of those bullets never left my mind. I can barely even sleep, knowing what had happened that day.

It's now the present, I've made Sweet Pea spend the whole week with me.

It's been terrifying for me. This isn't the small, quiet town I grew up in anymore. It's filled with bad people. Very bad people.

I layed on my bed as I cuddled into Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea was rubbing his hand up and down my back as he got a message.

He picked up his phone and read over the message.

Betty: who is it? I asked.
Sweet Pea: Jug, he said he needs help with something. He said as he began getting up.

I instantly tightened my grip around him.

Betty: please don't leave me. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: come on baby, you're safe here. I promise. He said softly.
Betty: I don't feel safe PeaPod. I told him.
Sweet Pea: babe I've been putting off the Serpents for as long as I can. I need to go. He said this time with a slightly stern tone.
Betty: Sweet Pea seriously, don't go. I said.
Sweet Pea: you're overacting. I'll come back later. He said as he got up and walked out.

I can't believe he just left me. All of this week, he's been looking after me and being the sweetest he possibly could be.

But now it's like a switch has been flicked and suddenly he doesn't care.

I feel like I've just been a burden to him this whole time.


Sweet Pea POV:

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