Betty x Sweet Pea x Fangs

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I know you guys got excited as soon as you saw the couple ;)

Sweet Pea POV:

Fangs and I were sitting in a private seating area at the Wyrm as we both had a beer in our hands.

As he was talking about something he saw on TikTok, his phone went off, indicating some sort of notification. He kept talking as he picked up his phone.

I took a sip of my beer as I noticed he had stopped talking abruptly. I put my beer on the table as I noticed a confused look on his face.

"What's up?" I asked him as a confused look formed on my own.

"Someone sent me ten thousand dollars" he said as he turned his phone to face me.

I picked up his phone and saw that someone had sent him the exact amount he said.

"What the fuck?" I said as I put his phone back on the table.

"Who the fuck would give me that?" He asked.

"I think the real question is, who do we know that has that much money to spare" I said, completely in shock.

Fangs has been having a lot of money troubles as of late. His mother is extremely sick and needs a full time carer which unfortunately means she has to move into a retirement home type of thing where they have people there to look after her twenty four seven. I know he doesn't want her to move out, but he knows it's the best. He wants to drop out of school but his mother won't let him.

These places cost a lot of money, it's honestly insane. His mother only has two months left and for her to live there, it costs ten grand.

He looked up to me as he shook his head.

"What?" I asked him.

"Betty" I let out an amused laugh. He was definitely right.

"You're right" I said as he let out a sigh and rested his head on the back of the booth, closing his eyes.

"I can't take her money, how the fuck did she even get that much?" He asked as he turned to face me.

"No idea, but she always gets done what she wants" I smirked.

"There is no way I'm taking it" he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Up to you to fight with her" I smirked.

"Really, you're okay with this?" He asked me.

"The one thing I've learnt whilst being with Betty, she's the boss and you don't go against what she wants" I said.

"And if you try to go against her, she'll whip you into shape" I chuckled.

Betty, Fangs and I are in a place that I can't even describe. Everything between Fangs, Betty and I is great, but it's slightly unconventional you could say. The three of us are really close, both friendship wise and sex wise. I don't know how the first time it happened, but it was great and we never stopped.

The three of us haven't put a label on what we are but we're extremely happy with it. Fangs is the only other guy I would ever trust with Betty, the love of my life.

Fangs decided he wanted to talk to Betty so we went to her house.

We knocked on her door and she opened it within a minute. She opened the door wearing one of my shirts and a pair of red underwear. I raised an eyebrow.

"You always open the door like this?" I asked her sternly.

"Yeah, I hope one day I'll answer it to someone hot. For now I settle" she smirked. I shook my head as I walked forward to her and pushed her into the wall, placing my hand on the wall so her back hit that.

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