Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

"You look beautiful" I smiled proudly as I walked my daughter to the gym in her school.

It's Ava's last year in high school and she's having her last school dance.

"I know" she smirked up at me. I chuckled as I shook my head playfully.

"I'm so proud of you" I said.

I felt so proud right now. It felt like she was my little angel only yesterday. Now she's eighteen. She's growing up way too fast for my liking. She barely even needs me anymore.

"Stop being emotional" she groaned out as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry I love my kid" I said sarcastically. She chuckled.

We walked into the gym and she began leading me to one of her friends and their mum. They became friends recently and became close real quick.

"You're going to meet Evie's mum, act normal and not intimidating" she warned me.

"You have no trust in me, do you?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Dad, you have a gun with you. Do you think anyone else here has a gun?" She said.

"You" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, just act normal" she mumbled.

We walked over to her friend, Evie, who I had seen a few times. I then saw her mother, Betty Cooper.

Betty and I dated way back when we were in high school. Our relationship was the best I've ever had. As much as we loved each other, her mother was always a problem.

Alice Cooper, her mother, was overbearing and controlling over her daughters life. Her controlling nature ultimately lead to us breaking up. Neither of us wanted it but it was causing Betty too much stress. So we broke up and lost all contact.

The kids introduced us to each other and I looked to her, both of us trying to hide a smirk.

After the introductions, our kids eagerly kicked us out, probably too embarrassed to be seen with their parents.

We walked out of the gym together, giving Betty and I some privacy to talk.

"Hi" I smirked as I looked down at her. She still looks so beautiful.

Seeing her now, it makes all of those old feelings come back. There was never anything wrong with us, and that's what made the whole situation hurt.

"Hi" she smiled up at me. The height difference will always make me smile.

We both looked to each other as we let out a chuckle.

"How have you been?" I asked her as we took a seat on a bench.

"I've been good, how about you?" She asked softly.

"Nothing to complain about" I said making her chuckle.

"Is there a husband waiting for you at home?" I asked as I tried to hide a smirk from my lips.

What can I say? We're both in control of our lives now and I would really like to explore things between her and I again. If she unfortunately has a husband, I will contemplate killing him.

"You're not very subtle Sweet Pea" she smirked.

"Have I ever been?" I grinned, making her chuckle.

"I'm single" she said making me smile.

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