Betty x Sweet Pea

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ps, I'm making Juniper and Dagwood both boys because I don't know their genders and googling it was useless. Anyway, peace, love and enjoy. Oh, nearly forgot, Jason and Polly aren't related in this.

Betty POV:

Sweet Pea and I were cuddling in our bed, as I live with him and his family. I've lived here for the past two years as my family life is just, unexplainably bad.

Fp: Betty you have a visitor. He yelled out from the front door.

Sweet Pea and I looked to each other, confused looks on our faces.

Sweet Pea: this better not be your secret boyfriend. He joked.
Betty: bubs you know I only have a secret girlfriend. I teased him.
Sweet Pea: secret my ass, it's fucking Veronica. He said making me laugh.

I pulled him along with me as we continued to joke and laugh.

We walked through the hallway and as soon as I saw who was at the door, I stopped dead in my tracks, nearly tripping Sweet Pea over.

I stared at the guy standing in the middle of the door frame.

Sweet Pea: babe? He whispered with concern. I said nothing, I could say nothing.

My lack of response prompted him to wrap his arm around me and pull me closer to his chest.

This is a man I haven't seen in three years. I thought he was dead. I thought his family was dead. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

Sweet Pea: who are you? He said sternly to the orange haired man.
Jason: I'm Jason, her brother in law. He spoke softly.
Betty: you, you're supposed to be dead. You, Polly and the twins. I said in disbelief.
Jason: Betty your parents, my parents, they lied to you. He said softly.

I just kept looking at him, I truly didn't know what to say.

Betty: Polly? I managed to say.
Jason: she's safe, so are the twins. He said softly.
Jason: would you like to sit and talk? He asked. I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea unwrapped his arm from around me so I quickly held onto his hand so he knew I wanted him to stay.

The three of us took a seat on the couch, I sitting in Sweet Pea's lap.

Jason: I know this is all really hard and probably overwhelming for you Betty- He started but I interrupted him.
Betty: how are you alive? Mum and dad said you tried running away together and ended up getting in a car accident. I said to him.
Jason: Polly and I were everything your parents and my parents didn't want want us to be. But as soon as we got married, it sent them over the edge. That night, the night we both went missing, that's when we were kidnapped and sent to some place called the Sisters of Quiey Mercy. A very bad place. He said.
Jason: We both managed to escape after the twins were born and we settled in a few towns over. He told me.

I was in complete shock and lost for words. Everything that I've believed for the past three years has been a lie.

Jason: I understand this is a lot for you to process Betty, but we wanted you to know. He said.

Before Polly and Jason were kidnapped I guess, the three of us were all really close. He was like the older brother I always wanted.

Betty: have you moved to Riverdale? I asked him. He nodded his head.

I looked to him a moment longer before I removed Sweet Pea's arm from around me and pushed myself into Jason.

I embraced him in the tightest hug I possibly could.

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