Betty x Sweet Pea

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Why does it feel like I haven't posted in forever but I posted 3 days ago 💀

Betty POV:

The moment I had been scared yet so excited for was finally happening.

Over the past year not a day has gone by where I haven't thought about him and everything we had.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him nervously as I looked up at him.

He had every right to hate me but I would be devastated if he did. I loved him more than anything, he became my world.

"Not sure" he said as he walked past me, inviting himself in.

I let out a nervous sigh as I closed the door behind him and walked into the lounge. He took a seat on the couch and turned off the tv. I took a seat on the opposite side of the room to him.

"Don't be scared to sit next to me Princess" he told me.

I looked at him, not feeling to sure if that was the best idea.

"Now Elizabeth" he said.

I decided that I didn't want to test him any further so I stood up and moved to his side.

He looked me up and down, a small smirk rising to his face for a moment, but then back to his stern and unreadable face.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked with slight anger in his voice.

Two years ago my mother sent me to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. I was sixteen and scared.

Over my time there, I started a secret relationship with one of the many guards in there. But he, Sweet Pea, was the head guy in charge. He's the second in charge of the Serpents, a gang employed by the Sisters to make sure we don't rebel or do anything we're not supposed too.

We fell in love very quickly. Each night when everyone had fallen asleep, we'd hang out in his room or walk around the garden. Sweet Pea made up some game, every time we see a yellow flower we had to kiss. I always laughed at him but he would wait until he got his kiss. He made sure I was always looked after. He gave me so much love.

"I had everything to lose if I told you" I said as I looked to him, trying to read how he was going to react.

The Sisters of Quiet Mercy was no place for anyone to stay, no matter how bad of a person you may or may not have been. It was pure torture, so we planned an escape. The thing is, I didn't tell Sweet Pea.

As I was running away, Sweet Pea caught up to me. He grabbed onto my arm and demanded that I tell him what the hell was going on. I punched him and ran off. I never said goodbye or gave him an explanation, I just left.

"Betty, I had everything to lose by dating you. If you told me what you guys were planning, I would have helped you, made sure that it didn't fail" I shook my head.

"Sweet Pea, you need to see it from my point of view. If anything went wrong between us, you have more power than me. If I fucked up, you would use it against me" I said.

"I would never have put you in harms way" he told me as he looked into my eyes.

"I needed to look after myself" I said as I looked down.

"Honey" he said as he caressed his hand over my chin, gently titling up my face so that I was looking into his.

"What are you feeling right now?" He asked me.

"I'm scared" I said.

"Of how I'm going to react?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I was really pissed when you left me because I was completely and utterly in love with you. I felt like I meant nothing to you" he started but I quickly shook my head.

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