Betty x Sweet Pea

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I do not like this one 💀

Betty POV:

I walked into my office and saw Sweet Pea sitting at his desk. I walked up to him as I raised an eyebrow.

"What's up?" He asked as he looked up to me.

"What are you doing today?" I asked him as I took a seat on his desk.

"Work? I feel like this is a trick question" he said confusedly and I chuckled.

"No, I just want to know if you can blow off an hour or two" I asked and he leant back into his chair.

"You are the CEO, you do get to decide what I do" he smirked and I smiled.

"Correct, we're going out" I said as I stood up, indicating that I wanted him to follow.

"Where are we going?" He asked as we walked into the elevator.

"We're going to house viewings" I said as we began going to the ground floor.

"You're buying a new house?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Never liked that house" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"And James is okay to just leave it?" He asked.

"We're getting a divorce" I told him as I looked into his eyes.

Sweet Pea has been my best friend since high school. We dated for a few years but due to us both leaving Riverdale to study in different areas, we decided to end us. We always kept in contact and we've maintained a great friendship.

I moved to New York and ended up staying here. Whilst I was there I found a job and worked my way up to where I am now, CEO of a multi billion dollar company.

Five years after I had moved here, so did Sweet Pea. We met up and our friendship became better than ever. When he moved here I was already with my husband James and we got married the year after. Sweet Pea too met his wife, Angela.

Unfortunately, a year after their marriage he found out she cheated on him. Which is also the same reason I'm getting a divorce.

Angela was in a high position and she was very manipulative. She took everything from him so I got him a job working for me. He's my best friend and I was in a position to help him, so of course I was going to help.

"Why? Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Remember the night I asked you to stay back so we could sort out some of my clients and I cancelled because I wasn't feeling too well?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Well I went home and saw him and his secretary in our bed" I said as the elevator door opened.

"Betts, I am so sorry" he said and I gave him a half smile.

"So, I want to get out of that house as soon as possible" I said as we walked to my car.

"Understandable" he said as he buckled himself in.

"And, I have a question for you" I smiled.

"What's that?" He asked skeptically.

"I would like if you moved in with me" I asked with a smile.

"Really?" He asked with a shocked smile.

Honestly, since we've both moved to New York we've both dealt with cheating spouses. I just want to move in with a friend and not have to deal with getting hurt again.

"Yep, of course you can think about it. But I will be disappointed if you say no" I joked and he laughed.

"Of course I would love too" he smiled.

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