Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you enjoy <3 I don't even like this one 💀

Betty POV:

I was in the grocery store, picking out some vegetables when I heard my step son speak up.

"You know, you're not married to Sweet Pea. You can leave whenever you want" he said out of no where, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked my step son Tristan.

I moved in with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago. He has two kids from a previous relationship so we have been taking our relationship slow, for the sake of his kids.

So, a few weeks ago I moved in with him. We decided it would be a two month thing. We'd use this time to see if it would work if I lived there.

"You deserve a lot better. You've honestly really downgraded in life since moving in with us" he said as he picked up some snack that I didn't approve of.

"Things are just taking time" I told him as we walked down the rest of the aisle.

"You've known my bitch sister and me for three years now, and she's still sitting on my dad's dick" he said and I just widened my eyes by his language.

Despite the way he worded it, he has a point. Chantelle, his sister, is a real dads girl. She doesn't like the fact that Sweet Pea's dating someone, let alone now living with them.

"Watch your language" I warned him softly.

"I seriously admire you, because I couldn't deal with all the shit you go through" he told me as he once again put something in the trolley I had already said no too.

"You're starting to make it very convincing" I chuckled out.

"Promise me that if you move out, you'll take me with you" he said seriously as he walked by my side.

"Tristan, what's bothering you?" I asked him seriously.

As much as I could tell he was trying to joke around and be annoying, I could tell that there was something deeper bothering him.

"I don't even want to live there, why would you?" He asked and I gave him a confused look.

"You're really worrying me" I said as I looked up to him. He's six foot two and I'm five seven.

He definitely gets his height from his father. They're both way too tall.

"It's clear dad has a favourite, and it's not me" he said with such bitterness but with an undertone of sadness.

I felt for the kid, I truly did. I know Sweet Pea loves Tristan, but he really doesn't show it. He's so caught up with looking after his daughter that he kinda assumes that Tristan can look after himself. As well as lead the Serpents, all without his dad.

He has a lot of pressure on him and Sweet Pea offers him very minimal support. I can see why Tristan feels the way he does.

"He does love you" I said and he chuckled sarcastically as he shook his head.

"You love me, he doesn't. And you're not even my mum, or want kids. How fucked up is that?" He said and I gave him a sympathetic look.

"He loves you, I promise you that. He's just not good at showing it" I said as I rubbed my hand over his arm.

"He does a great job of showing Chantelle. I don't even know why you're defending him. He should be treating you a lot better too" he said and of course I knew that.

He lets his daughter walk all over me, claiming that she just needs time to get use to having me around.

It's been years now and there's no sign of her ever liking me. She doesn't like me, she's made it clear, and Sweet Pea doesn't have the guts to deal with it.

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