Betty x Sweet Pea Part 3

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this is the last part!

Betty POV:

Archie: you broke up with him? He asked confusedly.
Betty: you think I'd stay with him after what he did? I asked.
Archie: I'm sorry. He said awkwardly.
Betty: great, you've learnt something. Fake like you give a shit. I said. He bit his inner lip.

I walked to the door and opened it. It was Sweet Pea and I couldn't help my response.

Betty: for fucks sake. I groaned out as I closed my eyes.
Sweet Pea: I'm trying not to be insulted. He said.
Betty: I really don't care how you feel Sweet Pea. I've made it clear to you, we're over. I want nothing to do with you anymore. I said to him.
Sweet Pea: Betty please. He said, the saddest look forming on his face.
Betty: you're acting as if I ruined our relationship. You did it dick. I said angrily.

How dare he be upset that he ruined our relationship. I'm the one who deserves to be upset and heartbroken.

Sweet Pea: please, can we just sit and talk? He asked.

I decided that if I didn't, he would find out that I gave Archie a chance to speak to me and that would start up another war.

Betty: give me your gun. I said as I held out my hand.
Sweet Pea: why? I'm not going to hurt you. He said.
Betty: do you really think you should be testing me now? I said to him as I shook my head.

He let out a sigh as he pulled out his gun from his belt and placed it in my hand.

He walked inside whilst I took out the bullets from the gun.

Sweet Pea: what the fuck? I heard him say angrily. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the lounge.
Sweet Pea: why is he here? He asked angrily as he turned to face me.
Betty: the same thing you're going to try, grovelling for my forgiveness. Which neither of you will get. I said as I took a seat in the armchair.
Sweet Pea: Betty I'm your boyfriend, I have looked after you and will always look after you. He's some bitch boy who keeps getting in the way of our relationship. He said.
Archie: yeah, looking after her. Making her queen of a gang. He said as he rolled his eyes.
Sweet Pea: so your sorry excuse of a gang is better than mine and something she should be associated with? What a fucking joke. He said angrily.
Archie: we don't kill people Sweet Pea. He said sternly.
Sweet Pea: yeah, just carry guns for fun, right? He said.
Archie: you're getting off topic. You're a terrible person and you're terrible for her. I mean you're the reason the Blue and Gold is done. He said.
Sweet Pea: because of you and your stupid gang. He said defensively.
Archie: then you target us, not your girlfriend. He said.
Betty: I agree. Sweet Pea glared at me for a moment before he let out an annoyed sigh.
Sweet Pea: Betty he is the route of all our problems. You've been complaining about him for months, how everything he does, he fucks it up. Our relationship would be in a much better place if he wasn't in your life anymore. He said to me.
Archie: you're letting some guy effect how you treat your girl? What a joke. Just say you're not a good boyfriend. He laughed at Sweet Pea.

I watched as Sweet Pea balled up his fists and looked as if he was about to stand up.

Betty: don't. I warned him. Archie chuckled.
Betty: shut up. I said to Archie, this time making Sweet Pea chuckle.
Betty: it's so frustrating how immature you guys are. You seriously just don't understand how much you hurt me. I said.

I didn't yell, I didn't say it in an angry tone. I said it with a defeated voice.

Betty: I'm so sick of you both. I said.
Sweet Pea: baby, I promise things will undoubtedly change and we'll work on fixing this relationship, once he's out of our lives. He said.
Archie: Betty is smart enough to choose me over you. Betts, I promise that I won't act in the way that I have been lately. I'm really sorry. He said.
Sweet Pea: bullshit. You'll act the same way.

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