Betty x Sweet Pea

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*trigger warning for slight mentions of eating disorders*

Betty POV:

Betty: I want to ask you something. I smiled as I faced Toni.
Toni: what is it? She asked with a smile.

Over the past year, Toni and I have become really good friends. I consider her to be my best friend, and she's told me things that she's never told anyone before.

A short while into our friendship, I noticed the lack of food she ate and other concerning things.

I one day brought it up and she told me everything. She begged me to tell no one and I of course kept to my word.

Once I found out, I did tons of research. I wanted to make sure I could support her.

She had been struggling since she was 12 she told me. And since she had no parents or guardians in her life, there was no one to make sure that she was looking after herself and making sure that she was eating.

Right now she's doing a lot better and I don't want anything at all to tarnish the progress she's made.

So that's why I want her to move in with me.

Betty: I want you to move in with me. I said. 
Toni: what? She asked confusedly.
Betty: well, you're doing really good right now and I feel that if you're living with me, things will continue to get better. I said and she gave me a small smile.
Toni: does your brother know? He asked.
Betty: of course. Plus, he is barley home because of how much he works. It would be great to have someone around. I said as I gave her a smiley pout.
Toni: are you sure about this? She asked and I nodded my head.
Toni: yes. She said.

I let out a squeal as we both embraced each other in a tight hug.

Sweet Pea: what's all this squealing about? He asked as himself, Fangs and Jughead, my boyfriend, sat opposite us on the picnic tables.

I turned to the boys with a big smile.

Betty: we have an announcement. I said with a large smile.
Fangs: you're coming out as bi and you're dating Toni? He said. Toni and I laughed.
Jughead: very funny. He said as he rolled his eyes.

I looked to Toni, nodding at her to continue where I started.

Toni: I'm moving in with Betty. She said.
Fangs: why weren't we invited? He said.
Sweet Pea: yeah! I don't like this favouritism.  The boys made us laugh.
Betty: because I've seen the way you guys live. It's disgusting. I said.
Toni: plus, she likes me the most. She said as she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder.
Betty: very true. I smiled. Sweet Pea and Fangs rolled their eyes.
Jughead: why is she moving in with you? He asked, sounding angry.

All of us looked to him, slight confusion rising to our face.

Betty: well Toni is my best friend and half the time I'm home alone which I hate. So I thought it would make sense if she moved in with me. I said to him.
Jughead: I think that sounds like a stupid idea. He said.
Betty: well I'm glad I don't. I said.

Everyone was giving Jughead a look that said 'shut up'. I have no idea why he's acting like this.

Jughead: maybe you should be listening to me more.
Sweet Pea: enough Jughead, stop trying to control her. He said.
Jughead: stay out of it Sweet Pea. He said as he looked back to me.
Fangs: no dude, back off. Your opinion on this really doesn't matter. He said.
Jughead: yeah, it does. He said.
Toni: woah, always knew you were a jerk but treating your girl like this. That's fucked. She said.
Jughead: you know nothing about me so shut it. He said. I looked to him in complete disgust.
Betty: don't speak to her like that. I said.
Jughead: watch your mouth. He warned me.
Sweet Pea: if you don't break up with him I'll break his neck. He said sternly to me.
Betty: we're over. I said disgustedly.
Toni: now beat it. She said sternly.

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