Betty x Sweet Pea

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Hola, enjoy :)

Betty POV:

I sat next to my boyfriend Sweet Pea, the Serpents King. Opposite us was Toni and Fangs. We were all at the Wyrm, chilling after a long week of having to deal with the Ghoulies constant threats.

"Are you really allergic to dogs though?" Toni asked Fangs who rolled his eyes. I let out a chuckle, as did Sweet Pea.

"Yes, we're not getting a dog Toni" Fangs told her sternly.

After high school, Toni and Fangs bought a house together. They're best friends so neither Sweet Pea or I were surprised when they told us. Although, Sweet Pea was a little jealous that Fangs asked Toni to move in, and not him. I did in fact have to remind him boyfriend, he has a girlfriend.

"Yeah but people with cat allergies can take tablets or something. Why can't you?" She groaned out at Fangs.

"T, sounds like you're trying to kill him" I said causing Sweet Pea to chuckle.

He had his arm wrapped over my shoulders and his head was resting on my left shoulder.

"If he doesn't let me get a dog, I might" she said confidently.

"I'd kill you first" he said making me laugh.

The conversation from there shifted to other random and hilarious topics. It was honestly a great night. It was nice to get to be around friends and just be relaxed. Unlike usual, where we're all stressed out.

Despite me not having a title, I am still pretty heavily involved with the Serpents.

Two years into our relationship Sweet Pea sat me down so that we could have a serious chat. He told me that he wanted to have Toni as the Serpent queen and he explained as well as justified his actions to me. Of course, we had already come to a mutual understanding earlier that I was never going to, or wanted to, become the Serpents queen.

But he sat me down and explained everything to me, just so he knew that we were on the same page.

Fangs and Toni were playfully arguing as Sweet Pea and I watched and laughed at the two of them.

"Hey" I heard someone say from besides the four of us. I turned to look to my right and saw someone I haven't seen since I was in high school.

We were all looking at the man now. Sweet Pea's head propped up as he wrapped me tighter into his side.

"What the hell do you want?" Fangs spoke up first.

"That's no way to say hello" Jughead chuckled.

Jughead and I dated when we were in high school. We were together for two years when out of no where, he left.

We were supposed to go on a date. I showed up and he was no where to be seen. I texted him and some of our friends, he never messaged me back and they said they hadn't heard from him. I called his dad, Fp, he had no idea where he was either.

We were in love, well, I was. He left without saying anything to anyone. I deserved better. He break my heart.

"You don't deserve that, you don't have any right to be here" I said angrily to him.

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