Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty being a boss!

Betty POV:

"God he's so infuriating" I said angrily as I sat opposite my boyfriend at the Wyrm.

"Do something about it" he said simply as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Seriously, that's all you have to say?" I asked him as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Bubs, the last time I dealt with someone who pissed you off you got mad at me because you can handle your own battles. Say the word and I'll deal with it, but you want to do it yourself" he said matter of factly. I rolled my eyes because he was right, causing him to chuckle.

"Give me ideas of what I should do" I said.

A month ago the Serpents and The deadly Hunters, another gang in Riverdale decided to join together. The reason we decided to join the two gangs together is because there was a new one moving into town, the Ghoulies. The Ghoulies don't even remotely have the same values as us. They want to bring drugs into the town and are all about violence. Whilst neither of the two gangs are good or pure, we definitely don't promote drugs or kill people just for the fun of it. So for now we're working together to run the Ghoulies out of town.

My problem is with the son of The deadly Hunters, Jarvis. He's been an asshole to me ever since we met, because I'm a girl. He thinks because I'm a girl that I'm less than him. He doesn't listen to anything I have to say even though the four other men in the room take into consideration what I say. I see him as completely useless and I'm done putting up with his shit.

"Beat him up" he said and I chuckled.

It's definitely not the best idea to beat up someone like him. The Serpents don't want to be at war with one gang, let alone two.

"Yeah, that would really go over well" I said and he smirked.

"Oh Betty, so innocent" he smiled, I gave him the middle finger.

"I'm starting to think you don't listen when I speak. You beat them up and then black mail them. Once you beat someone up you're in control, then you have the power to make them shut up" he said and I guess he's right, I've seen him do it countless times.

"When would I even do this?" I asked him.

"No better time than the present" he said as he drank from his beer.

"You have had this planned out for awhile, haven't you?" I asked him, a smirk instantly rising to his face.

"Look, just because you won't let me do anything doesn't mean I can't figure things out" he said.

"Thank you" I said as I rested my hand over his.

"I am your boyfriend babe, I can be helpful" he smirked making me chuckle.

"Only sometimes" I winked and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Get out of here loser" he said making me chuckle.

I got up and walked to his side of the table. I kissed his head and then ruffled up his hair.

"I love you" I smiled.

"Love you too, see you at mine?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I headed out of the Wyrm and drove down to the gym since that's where I knew he'd be. Luckily for me, Archie owns that gym so I can beat the hell out of Jarvis without anyone stopping me.

I arrived at the gym and saw Jarvis bench pressing 100kgs. I chuckled to myself, I haven't done that low since early last year.

"Only 100? I saw a grandma in here yesterday doing 200" I chuckled as I leant against the wall behind him.

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