Betty x Sweet Pea

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I hope you all enjoy 😊 I'm having trouble uploading this and I don't know why ughh!

Sweet Pea POV:

Mason: dad! dad! dad! dad! He said.
Sweet Pea: go away. I said as I was working in the garage.
Mason: dad! He said again.
Sweet Pea: I'm not your dad. I said.
Mason: fine, step dad! step dad! He said.
Sweet Pea: not that either. I said.
Mason: okay fine. The guy who ruined my relationship with my mum. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: how on earth did I do that? I asked.
Mason: it use to be just me and her, now that you're here I get less attention. Which really isn't fair, I should be her first priority, not some random. He said.
Sweet Pea: I went from being your dad to a random. I chuckled.
Mason: well if you do what I want, you can go back to being dad. He said.
Sweet Pea: why would I want that? He rolled his eyes.

I finished up in the garage and closed up my tool box. I walked inside with Mason following me.

Betty was sitting on the couch watching tv.

Mason: mum, Sweet Pea's being mean to me. I rolled my eyes.

Mason went over to Betty and rested his head on her shoulder. Dramatic.

She wrapped her arm around him and kissed his head.

Betty: what did he do bubba? She asked him.
Mason: said that he isn't my dad. He said, pretending to be all sad.
Betty: Sweet Pea that is horrible, apologize. He said.
Sweet Pea: you realise I'm technically right, but, he knows I'm joking. I said as I looked at him.
Mason: it doesn't sound like you're joking. He said as he looked to his mum. I rolled my eyes.
Sweet Pea: I'm about to put you up for adoption. I mumbled as I sat on the couch.
Betty: don't listen to him Mas. She said.
Mason: why does dad not love me? He said.

As Betty wasn't looking at him, he looked to me with a smirk.

Sweet Pea: I'm starting to realise why I never had kids of my own. I said.
Mason: you love me. He said.
Sweet Pea: not at all actually. I said.
Mason: you realise I could literally ruin your life right?
Betty: Mason! You two are as horrible as each other. She said as she shook her head.
Mason: but I'm your son who you have to love. Sweet Pea is just a guy, he's replaceable. He said.
Sweet Pea: woah, thank you so much Mason. I said.
Mason: teach me how to ride a motorcycle and I'll forgive you. He said.
Betty: not happening and you know it. She immediately interjected.
Sweet Pea: you heard her kiddo, if you still want a dad, definitely can't teach you.

Incase it isn't clear enough, I'm Mason's step dad.

Betty got pregnant when she was 20 and Mason is now 17.

Betty and I aren't married or plan on doing it. She's not interested in it and neither am I.

I don't need to announce it to the whole world, it's only her, I and Mason who need to be happy.

Mason: come on mum, please. Why is he allowed to but not me? He groaned.
Betty: because I'm your mum and I'm saying no. End of conversation. She said. He let out a loud groan.

It soon got late and the three of us headed to bed. Just before I went to Betty and I's room, I went to Mason's room.

I knocked on his door and he yelled for me to come in.

Mason: hey dad, what's up? He asked as he turned off his phone.
Sweet Pea: hey, I just wanted to talk. I said.
Mason: am I in trouble? He asked.
Sweet Pea: should you be? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Mason: I mean probably. He said making us both laugh.
Sweet Pea: I just want you to know, everything I said earlier. It's just a joke, I don't mean it. I said. He gave me a small smile.
Mason: I know and same with me. I don't mean it. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: good. I said as I stood up and told him good night.

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