Betty x Sweet Pea

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Let's go

Betty POV:

I woke up to an odd weight over my hip. I slowly opened my eyes and gently rolled over.

I rubbed my eyes as I realised what the weight was.

I was in bed with Sweet Pea, he was fast asleep with his arm resting over my waist.

Betty: shit. I whispered to myself.

Last night I had an extremely rough night. The build up of my mother constantly telling me how much of a disappointment I am. How much she wishes she never had me, it got too much.

Veronica told me to blow off some steam so that's exactly what I did.  We went to a party and well, that's how I ended up in bed with Sweet Pea.

I carefully removed his arm from around me and began trying to find my clothes that were scattered all over his bedroom floor.

I managed to find everything and quickly put it all on. I then headed towards his door.

Sweet Pea: you forgetting something Princess? I heard him suddenly speak, making me jump. He let out a chuckle.

He was holding my phone in his hand.

I approached him as I went to get my phone out of his hand. As I reached to get my phone, he pulled it away.

Sweet Pea: I wasn't talking about the phone, where's my kiss baby? He said with a smirk.
Betty: this was a one time thing Sweet Pea. We're not a thing. He raised an eyebrow at me.
Sweet Pea: yes, yes we are. He said.
Betty: no we're not, now give me my phone. I said.
Sweet Pea: have breakfast with me and I'll give it to you. He said.
Betty: I don't eat breakfast, give me my phone. I said.
Sweet Pea: well babe, you of all people should know it's the most important meal of the day. So, come eat with me. He said as he got up.

He was thankfully in his boxers, not naked as I had expected he may be.

Betty: you want to put some pants on? I asked as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: not really. He smirked as he walked past me.

I followed behind him as he lead us to the kitchen.

Sweet Pea: sit. He said softly.

I did as he told me to and I took a seat at the table.

Betty: can I please have my phone back? I asked.
Sweet Pea: sure, but don't try running. He said as he placed the phone in my hand.
Betty: thanks. I mumbled.
Sweet Pea: always welcome Princess. He said. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: stop calling me nicknames. I groaned out.

A big detail about Sweet Pea that I may have left out, he's the Serpent king. In other words, he is the leader of a very dangerous and very criminal gang.

Sweet Pea: why? He asked like a child.
Betty: nicknames are for friends or couples, which we are neither. I told him.
Sweet Pea: since when were we never friends? He asked in shock. I raised an eyebrow.
Betty: the first time we spoke was last night and you were the one who initiated the conversation. I said.
Sweet Pea: well, that's when we became friends. He said as he placed some toast in front of me.
Betty: not interested in a relationship. I said as I picked at my food.

He took a seat opposite me as he let out a groan.

Sweet Pea: why are you playing so hard to get? He said as he took a bite of his toast.
Betty: why haven't you taken the hint that I'm not interested in you. We had a one night stand. We're done. I told him.
Sweet Pea: you're just scared of the world you'd be entering. He said.
Betty: exactly what the Serpents would want, a north sider dating their king. I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: you underestimate how much control I have. He said.

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