Betty x Reggie

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Betty POV:

I sat amongst other Serpents as I watched my boyfriend Sweet Pea, king of the Serpents, step onto the stage with confidence.

What he was about to say next would put an end to our relationship.

Toni, his best friend, said she'd permanently leave the gang if by the end of the day he didn't make her queen.

These past two months she has been off with her girlfriend Cheryl, running a gang with random girls they found from the streets I assume.

If Toni so desperately wanted to be Serpents queen, she wouldn't have left the Serpents to begin with.

She's going to make a terrible leader but I'm glad she will. She'll ruin the Serpents and Sweet Pea will know how big of a mistake he's made.

I'm a North Sider, so my popularity in this bar is very, very low.

When they found out I would be queen, they were angry. So now, they get what they want and Sweet Pea shows them how I'm replaceable.

He's making me look bad, and in the long term, his decision will make him look like a complete idiot.

Sweet Pea: after a lot of discussion and decision making, I've decided to appoint a new Serpents Queen. He started.

There was loads of chatter and whispers around the room. The people who I sat amongst instantly turned to me. I glared at them all, making them look away.

Sweet Pea: Toni Topaz is the new Queen. He announced and loud cheers and claps filled the bar.

Once all the excitement had passed, Sweet Pea walked off stage and into his office.

I followed him in and stood in front of his desk.

Betty: we're over Sweet Pea. I told him straight. He looked to me in shock.
Sweet Pea: I didn't make Toni queen because I love her or anything, you don't need to worry. He said.

I'm not upset that I'm not queen, I'm upset he threw away the sentimental value of it.

The night he had asked me to be his queen was so special to me. But now I see it was only special to me.

Betty: you don't get why I'm mad and clearly if you can't see why I am, I'm wasting my time with you. I said as I walked out of his office. 

I walked down to the bar and passed Toni who was giving me a smirk. I gave her a smile back as I walked out of the bar.

Betty: bitch. I whispered under my breath.

I walked to my car and drove to someone's house in which I was a true bitch too.

I hate who I became this past year.

I became so involved with Sweet Pea that I began cutting out all my friends. When they told me how concerned they were, I would dismiss them and argue with them about how they were just trying to ruin my relationship.

Now I see how completely and utterly stupid that I was. And because of that, I lost all my friends.

I arrived at Veronica's house and stood outside the door for a moment.

She was my best friend. We haven't spoken in a year now.

I doubt she'd even want to be friends with me any longer, but it was worth a try. I needed to at least try.

I've put myself in such a horrible position, and the only person I have to blame is me.

I knocked on her door as I waited nervously for her to answer.

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