Betty x Sweet Pea

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I truly don't know lol

Betty POV:

I was sitting on the couch as I read a book when I heard the front door open.

In walked Fp, his son Tyler and Tyler's girlfriend Chloe.

Fp: hey Betty, how'd it go? He smiled.

Fp asked me to try and tutor Sweet Pea in English. He said that he's tried getting people to tutor Sweet Pea in the past but it never worked out. He thought that maybe since I was his girlfriend, I would be able to get through to him.

Betty: Fp. I smiled
Betty: if that kid gets close enough to me where I can wrap my hands around his throat and kill him, you can bet I will. I said sternly.
Fp: that bad? He sighed as he took a seat next to me.
Betty: your son is an absolute asshole. I said.

Earlier this evening everyone left the house so that Sweet Pea had no distractions.


Betty: isn't this going to be fun? I smiled as I opened up my computer.
Sweet Pea: you're not actually going to do this right? He said as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Betty: of course we are Bub. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: Betty this is a rare opportunity where we have the house to ourselves, we should fuck. He said. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: open your computer. I said. He rolled his eyes but did as I said.

I began going over some key ideas and themes of the book we were reading, as well as some other important information.

Sweet Pea: I have a problem remembering all of this bullshit but I know of a method that I think may help. He said.
Betty: what is it? I smiled, happy that he was finally taking this seriously.
Sweet Pea: well, every time I say the right thing or right answer, you take an item of clothing off. He smirked. I let out a sigh.
Betty: okay, think of me as your tutor, not your girlfriend. I said.
Sweet Pea: you want me to treat you like a tutor? He asked and I nodded my head.

He looked to me with a smirk as he closed his computer, put his legs on top of the table and pulled out his phone.

Betty: Sweet Pea, what are you doing? I asked.
Sweet Pea: well you're just a stranger to me, I don't need to listen to you. He said, not looking up to me.
Betty: are you being serious? I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah. He laughed.

I seriously can't believe him, what a jerk.

Betty: Sweet Pea stop being annoying and just do your work. I said.
Sweet Pea: nah. I said.
Betty: Sweet Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: Elizabeth. He said as he put down his phone and crossed his arms, a smirk on his face.
Betty: why are you being a jerk? Just let me help you. I said.
Sweet Pea: no thanks Princess. He said.

Great, now he's ruining the nickname Princess.

I tried with him for another half an hour. He continued to be a complete asshole.

Betty: fine, you win Sweet Pea. I said as I closed my computer.

I got up and began walking off. I couldn't bare to be around him any longer. I think I might kill him.

Sweet Pea: hey hey hey, where you going? He asked as he caught up to me, resting his hand on my arm.
Betty: get your hand off of me. I said sternly.
Sweet Pea: oh come on babe, you know I wouldn't act like that towards you. He said.
Betty: well you just did. So get your hand off of me or I swear to god I will knock you out. He raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: you? He chuckled.

I balled up my right fist in the way that James, Sweet Pea's oldest brother, had taught me.

I swung at Sweet Pea and my fist made contact with his right cheek. His face swung to the side and I stormed out of the house.

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