Betty x Sweet Pea

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Stop letting my one shots flop! 😂🥺

Betty POV:

I sat in my boyfriends' best friends lap as we tried not to kiss each other.

I should probably explain how we got here.


It was a Monday night as Sweet Pea and I were waiting for Jughead to arrive at the bowling alley.

This was one of Jughead and I's date nights. I guess you're wondering why Sweet Pea would be here. Well, he's Jughead's best friend and our third wheel.

Over time I got to know Sweet Pea and I enjoyed having his company with us.

He's also become one of my close friends.

As Sweet Pea and I were talking, I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that Jughead had messaged me.

His message read 'hey baby, I'm sorry I can't make it tonight, something has come up with the Serpents. Sorry again'.

I read his message and rolled my eyes.

There always seems to be a reason we can't hang out.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong? He asked me worriedly.
Betty: Jughead isn't coming, something came up with the Serpents which seems to be way more important then me. I said angrily.
Sweet Pea: what, isn't me being here with you good enough? He asked, pretending to be offended. A small smile formed on my face.
Betty: your time is definitely a lot more important to me then his at the moment. I said.
Sweet Pea: as it should be, I'm amazing. He smiled making me laugh.
Betty: you know what, stuff him. We don't need him to enjoy our night. I said. He smiled as he nodded his head.

We got up and our game faces were on.

Sweet Pea: you're on blondie. He smirked.
Betty: you're on Connor. I said as I flicked my hair and walked past him.

I picked up my bowling fall and walked up to the line.

Sweet Pea: are you sure you're able to hold it Princess? Wouldn't want you to hurt your precious little arm. He said with a fake pout. I rolled my eyes as I concentrated on the ball.

I ran my arm back and then forward, throwing it as hard as I could.

It didn't go as well as I thought, it went straight into the gutter.

I turned around and saw Sweet Pea looking at me with a smirk.

Sweet Pea: I would only judge you a little if you used the children's ramp. He said.
Betty: shut up! I said as I walked past him. He let out a chuckle.

He picked up the bowling ball and held it carefully.

When he let go, just like mine it went straight into the gutter.

As he turned around, the biggest smirk formed on my face.

Sweet Pea: shut up or I'm going to use you as my next bowling ball. He said.
Betty: loser. I mumbled.


We had finished the game and I looked to Sweet Pea with a smirk.

Betty: say the words Sweet Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: no.
Betty: say them. I said.
Sweet Pea: I don't know what words. He said, playing dumb.
Betty: oh Sweet Pea, say them or I'm posting that photo of you that you hate. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: you won Betty. He said through gritted teeth.
Betty: thank you Pea. I smiled.

We walked outside, the cold instantly hitting me.

Sweet Pea: do you want me to take you home? He asked.

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