Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I arrived home from work and saw my dad sitting in the lounge reading a book.

Hal: hello darling, how was your day? He asked with a smile, closing his book.
Betty: yeah it was pretty good. I smiled as I took my jacket and shoes off.

My dad soon left and I headed to my sons room.

My beautiful boys name is James and he's five.

I walked into his room, seeing him sleeping peacefully.

I smiled as I walked over to him and kissed his head.

James: mummy? He mumbled as his eyes slowly opened.
Betty: hey baby. I said as I kneeled beside his bed.
James: I missed you. He said sadly.
Betty: I missed you too angel. I said as I ran my hand through his hair.

Unfortunately my work schedule limits my time at home.

I'm an FBI agent and my hours are long.

James: I miss you a lot. He said as he looked to me with the saddest eyes.

That broke me, it really did.

That's when I knew I needed to do something. I can't have him being this upset, and especially because of me.

Betty: I'm going to change my hours, so that means I can spend more time with you. I said. He instantly popped up.
James: really?! He said. I nodded my head.

He jumped into my arms and I wrapped my arms around him.

This is who is most important to me.

Betty: yes. I love you so much James. I said as I kissed his head.
James: I love you too mum. He smiled.
James: can I sleep with you tonight? He said with a fake pout. I let out a chuckle as I nodded my head.

He knows how to get what he wants.

James: come on. He said as he jumped off his bed and took my hand.

He walked me to my room and he jumped onto my bed, tucking himself in.

James: Mum. He whined.
Betty: go to sleep my love, I need to get changed.

He let out a little, adorable grunt but I watched as he closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt before I got into bed.

He moved closer to me and I kissed his head.

Betty: good night little man. I whispered.

He gave me no response, telling me that he had fallen asleep.


I woke up early that morning and took a quick shower.

I kissed his head before I walked downstairs and saw my dad. He has keys and can let himself in whenever he wants.

Betty: dad I'm not a child, I can make my own breakfast. I said.

He had made me toast and placed it on the table.

Hal: you're always going to be my little angel. He said with a soft smile.
Betty: I'm taller then you. I said with a smirk.
Hal: only by an inch. He said making us both laugh.

I quickly ate breakfast and finished getting ready for work. I decided to leave earlier then usual.

Just before I left, I checked in on James and made sure he was wrapped up in my blankets.

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