Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: Veronica please, don't go on this date. I'm begging you. I said to my best friend over the phone.
Veronica: B, it means a lot to me that you're trying to look after me but I promise you that everything is going to be fine. She said.
Betty: You've never seen this guys face apart from the photos on his tinder profile and you've never even heard his voice. This could literally be a pedo V. I exclaimed with concern.

Veronica is going on a date tonight with a man who looks way to good to be true. Whenever Veronica has made any plans to call with him, he makes up an excuse. Whenever she asks for a picture, he makes up an excuse. I truly don't trust this guy.

Veronica: he's not a pedo. She said with a slight bit of annoyance in her voice.
Betty: But V, you truly don't know that. I said.
Veronica: Betty can you please stop asking these negative questions? She asked angrily.
Betty: no Veronica, I'm extremely worried about you and what you're doing is extremely stupid. I said.

You don't just go out with a complete stranger.

Veronica: god, just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you know more than me. She said.
Betty: that's not even close to what I'm saying and you know that. I said annoyedly.
Veronica: talking to you is a waste of my time. She said and then hung up on me.

That absolute bitch. Why the hell is she finding a problem with me because I'm worried about her safety? That's insane.

I live with my boyfriend so I sat there angrily, until Sweet Pea walked in.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong bubs? He asked worriedly as he took a seat by my side.
Betty: Veronica being a bitch and dumbass. I said angrily.
Sweet Pea: okay firstly you need to calm down. I rolled my eyes.

He raised an eyebrow as he held my chin so I was facing him.

Sweet Pea: calm. He said. I sighed as I nodded my head.

I took a minute to calm down and wrapped my arms around him.

Sweet Pea: so what's up with you and Veronica? He asked calmly.
Betty: she's going on a date tonight with a complete random. She doesn't know anything more than what he has on his profile and everything about him is just really sketchy. I don't want her to go because I'm worried for her safety but she's just being so ignorant and an absolute bitch. I said.
Sweet Pea: seriously? He said in disbelief. I nodded my head.

Sweet Pea doesn't like Veronica to much but he'll put up with her for me.

Sweet Pea: when and where is this date? He asked me.
Betty: Pops at 7. I said.
Sweet Pea: look, I've dealt with the same situation when Fangs went on dates with random guys and like Veronica , he acted very naive. So I'd always spy on him, to make sure he was safe. Of course, both times they were catfishes, but anyway. Let's go.

I just looked to Sweet Pea with so much shock.

Sweet Pea: you're not the only one with a stupid best friend. He said making me chuckle.
Sweet Pea: come on, let's go. He said as he kissed my head and connected one of our hands, pulling me up.
Betty: I love you. I smiled as I kissed his lips.
Sweet Pea: have sex with me when we get home. He said and I rolled my eyes.
Sweet Pea: I love you too, but would love sex too. I hit his shoulder with my spare hand as he chuckled.

We walked outside and got into his truck. I cuddled up close into Sweet Pea's side and he wrapped an arm around me.

Sweet Pea: speaking of dates, we haven't been on a date in awhile. How does tomorrow sound? Breakfast? He asked and I couldn't help the blush that had fallen onto my face.
Betty: sounds perfect Pea. I smiled as I kissed his cheek.

We arrived at Pops and parked in the far corner.

Betty: I really don't have a good feeling Sweet Pea. I said as I looked to Veronica who was sitting in a booth, waiting for her date.
Sweet Pea: honestly Bub, neither do I. I let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: but hey, don't worry. I'm very strong and I'll get rid of this guy for you. I couldn't help but chuckle by his cocky manner.
Betty: I'm so glad I met you. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: I'm very glad we met too bubba. He smiled.

We were about to kiss when I saw an old guy walk inside of Pops.

I hit Sweet Pea's shoulder and he let out a small groan, annoyed that we didn't kiss.

I watched this older male approach Veronica and I could instantly see how comfortable she looked.

Sweet Pea and I looked to each other and we got out of his truck.

Sweet Pea: stay behind me. He warned me just before we walked inside.

I could see him touching Veronica's arm, trying to pull her away.

Sweet Pea instantly pushed the guy off of her and then punched him in the face.

Sweet Pea: get the fuck out of here before I do worse. He said sternly to this old, ugly looking man.

I walked up to Veronica who embraced me in a tight hug before I could even wrap my arms around her.

Veronica: I'm so sorry B. She whispered. I held her tighter.
Betty: don't be V. I said.

I spent the next five minutes or so holding her tight as I tried my best to comfort her. Eventually, I unwrapped my arms from around her and we each took a seat next to each other.

Veronica: I'm really sorry for what I said to you earlier Betty. I truly didn't mean it. She said and I gave her a soft smile.
Betty: V, seriously, it's all forgotten. I just wanted you to be safe. I said.
Veronica: I know. She said sincerely.

We continued talking and Sweet Pea soon took a seat opposite us, with fries, a burger and a milkshake.

Betty: really? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: sorry for wanting dinner Elizabeth. He said dramatically, making Veronica chuckle.

Veronica and I talked for a little longer before she decided to head home, after I checked up on her a million times.

Betty: text me when you get home and if you need anything, okay? I said and she nodded her head.

She soon left and I looked to Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: want some? He asked. I smiled as I looked to the beautiful man in front of me.
Sweet Pea: you're giving me those 'I love you so fucking much' eyes. Which honestly I don't blame you. He said.

I let out a chuckle as I moved over so that I was sitting next to him.

Betty: such a cocky man. I smiled.
Sweet Pea: your cocky man. He smirked.
Sweet Pea: and you never answered my question, you want some? I smiled as I shook my head no.

As he ate and we continued to talk, I rested my head on his shoulder, thinking about how utterly in love I am with him.


We arrived home later in the evening and we walked into our room. I was the last one in so I closed the door and locked it behind me.

He looked to me with a questioning smirk.

I walked up to him and straddled him, caressing both sides of his face with my hands.

Sweet Pea: you're the best girlfriend. He said before embracing my lips in a rough but loving kiss.

can you tell I was watching Catfish while writing this?

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