Betty x Sweet Pea

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I really hope you all enjoy x (I have a rant book now, check it out if you like)

Betty POV:

"I really miss you Pea" I said sadly into the phone. He's been out of town for a week now and I've been left alone in this big house.

"I know baby, and I miss you too. Just another four days" he told me softly. I let out a small whine.

"You were supposed to come home today" I said as I played with the necklace he had bought me over five years ago.

"I know bubba, but you also know that not everything goes to plan" he sighed into the phone.

"I know" I mumbled in response.

I just really missed his company. We don't spend nearly as enough time together as I'd like.

"Can we go somewhere, anywhere, even just for a weekend after you come back?" I asked him.

I wanted to have some alone time with my boyfriend. Just me and him, not a single distraction to take his attention off of me.

"As soon as we end the call I'll be looking where I can take and spoil your cute ass" he said making me chuckle.

"I love you Betty, never forget that" he told me seriously, but still with so much love in his voice.

"Sweet Pea, I love you too" I told him with a smile.

"Start googling" I warned him immediately.

"Okay baby, look after yourself okay?" He chuckled the first part but said seriously the last.

"I will, you stay safe too" I told him seriously.

"Of course, bye angel" he said with one of my favourite names.

"Bye Pod" I smiled as I hung up.

Before he had called me I texted a bunch of my- his friends, to hangout. Ever since I started dating Sweet Pea, his friends have been nothing but absolute sweethearts to me. I love them to death and would do anything for them, but at the end of the day, they're his friends. I want to make my own friends, have my own people to talk to. People who aren't in Sweet Pea's group.

Everyone had messaged me back, saying in one way or another that they were busy tonight and couldn't hangout. But they'd love to another night.

I needed my own people and I decided the best place to try and starts was at the Wyrm. I went into Sweet Pea and I's room and got changed.

I put on a white spaghetti strapped tank top and a pair of denim shorts. I then slipped my arms through Sweet Pea's Serpent jacket, he always tells me it looks better on me anyway.

I picked up my keys and headed down to the Wyrm that was no longer than five minutes away.

I parked my car in the few spots reserved for the higher up people, as Sweet Pea and I are. Sweet Pea has been the king for over seven years now. I've been the queen for about five years. Sweet Pea asked me to be his Serpent queen with the biggest smile on his face, how could I say no to such a beautiful boy?

I walked into the bar that never not seemed to smell like alcohol, even at seven in the morning you could still smell that intoxicating smell.

I walked further into the Wyrm, finding my way through the crowded area to the bar. Just as I had got to the chairs by the bar, someone walked into me, spilling their drink all over my shirt. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying not to roll my eyes at whoever had just done that.

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