Betty x Sweet Pea

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soft boi Sweet Pea! Ish?

Betty POV:

"Betty, we can't be together anymore" he said as he stood outside of my front door.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confusedly as I took a step to the side, inviting him in.

"This, us. We're done" he said as his eyes began to turn glossy, but didn't walk inside.

Sweet Pea and I have been dating for nearly a year now and we've always been really good together. He's my sweet, shy boy who is nothing but a sweetheart. So why he's telling me that we're breaking up all of a sudden, it makes no sense.

"Sweets, you need to come in so we can talk and sort out whatever is bothering you" I said and he shook his head.

"No, I told you we're done" he said as he turned away from me and walked away.

I ran up to him and held onto his arm tight. He doesn't get to ruin a great relationship just out of the blue. That is extremely unfair.

"Sweet Pea you don't get to just break up with me with no explanation. So come inside and let's talk this out" I said frustratedly.

"No, and don't bother trying to contact me" he said as he pulled his arm from out of my grip.

I stormed into my house and slammed the door behind me. How the fuck do I go from having a boy who was sweet as sugar, always by my side and practically begging for my undying attention, to some asshole telling me we're done with no explanation? What fucked up asshole does that?

I laid down on the couch, feeling the worst I've felt in a very long time.

I only found peace two years ago when I joined the Serpents. My parents made my life hell but once I joined the Serpents, all my problems seemed to run away. Then a year ago I became Serpent Queen. My life become perfect, until now.

I haven't suffered through so much just for him to break up with me as if I'm absolutely nothing to him.

It doesn't make sense and I knew even trying to call Sweet Pea would be no use. So I decided to try calling the next best person, James.

James is Sweet Pea's older brother by a year. The two kids have lived a very sheltered life due to their overbearing parents. Before a year ago, Sweet Pea had never even been to the South Side, let alone seen a Serpent in the flesh.

I opened up their worlds and their parents hated me for it. They never approved of Sweet Pea and I dating, claiming how I would change him to become some worthless, homeless, drug addict loser. And to top it all off, I got along really well with James. Their parents saw me as the devil.

"Hey, I was just about to call you" he said in a monotone voice.

"So I guess you know" I said with a shaky voice.

"No? What happened?" He asked very confusedly.

"Your brother broke up with me" I chuckled sadly into the phone.

"Betty I, I don't know what to say. That makes no sense" he said.

"At least I'm not the only one who thinks he's gone insane" I said.

"What was his reason?" He asked me.

"He wouldn't tell me and told me to lose all contact with him" I practically cried into the phone.

"I'm really sorry" he said as I wiped my eyes.

"Why were you going to call me?" I asked, wanting to change the subject a little.

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