Betty x Sweet Pea

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A cute one. Also! I got my first dose of the vaccine today :)!

Betty POV:

I had just finished putting my newly six year old to bed. She turned six today and I've been up since five, making sure everything is ready for her special day.

Seeing how happy she was, it made everything worth it.

"I'm so tired Pea" I mumbled as we laid on his bed, facing the ceiling.

"I woke up at seven and I'm exhausted, how you're alive right now, I don't know" he chuckled out making me smile.

"I can't wait to sleep for three days straight" I said making him laugh.

"But it was worth it" I said and he nodded his head.

"She loved it" he smiled and I smiled too.

"On that note, I'm going to bed" I smiled as I slowly sat up.

If I didn't go to bed now, I think I may die.

"Night Betts" he smiled as he too sat up.

"Night Pea" I smiled as I got up and walked to my room.

I flopped into bed and pulled my blankets over me as I pulled out my phone from my pocket.

It has truly been a great day. We had her party at home and the whole place was decorated with a Princess theme. She had a pretty purple dress and was showing it off all day to everyone. She also had all her friends over so there was never not a smile on her face.

When it came time to hitting the piñata she quickly shook her head and gave the bat to Sweet Pea. I chuckled as the candy fell out within one hit, although I knew he barely put any power into it.

My daughter later told me that she wanted to be first to the candy and didn't want to waste time dropping the bat.

I went onto my phone and into my camera roll. It was filled with videos and photos of my Princess.

I clicked on the one where we were signing happy birthday to Emily. She was sitting in Sweet Pea's lap and he had his arms wrapped around her small body.

She blew out the candles once we were finished singing her happy birthday. She looked straight to me afterwards, making sure I was watching her and then she turned to face Sweet Pea, checking for the same thing.

Sweet Pea has been my friend since we first started high school. We instantly clicked and became best friends. We were so close that we even dated.

We had been together for two years and were in our final year when a big drug epidemic swept the town. He was unfortunately one of those people who got caught up in it. I tried getting him to quit but he was too addicted, there was nothing I could do. But I wasn't going to date someone who I didn't feel safe around, so I broke up with him. He was too high to even remember it the next day.

When I turned nineteen I met this guy, James, and I got pregnant with Emily when I turned twenty. At that point my relationship with James was extremely rocky and he told me he would like to not be apart of my daughters life. I said goodbye, deleted his number and never looked back. I was going to give my girl the world.

When Emily was just over four, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it, revealing a blast from my past. It was Sweet Pea.

He told me that he was trying to get clean but he had no where to stay. He apologised for even coming and asking, knowing he didn't deserve my help.

I have always loved him and I couldn't bare the thought of him not coming home to a safe environment each night. So I set up some rules. If he brings drugs into my house, I report him straight to the police. If those said drugs were in any place where my daughter could reach it, I'd kill him myself.

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