Betty x Sweet Pea

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I got the base idea for this from the new season of Sex Education but I promise there's like no connection and it isn't a spoiler <3

Betty POV:

I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt as I knocked on Sweet Pea's trailer door.

He opened the creaky door and looked down at me, a confused look on his face.

"What happened?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry for coming here" I said as I took in a deep breath.

"Betty, just tell me what's happened" he said and I nodded my head.

"Fangs, he cheated on me" I said and he let out a sigh as he closed his eyes for a moment.

"Come in" he said as he held the door open for me.

I walked up the steps and took a seat on the couch. He took a seat by my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry" he said and I shook my head.

"You don't owe me anything" I told him as I looked to him.

"Betty, we both got fucked over by the same guy, neither one of us are in the wrong" he said softly.

"I'm still sorry for what I did" I said as I wiped my eyes.

Fangs and Sweet Pea had been dating for a year when Fangs kissed me. I had liked Fangs for awhile so when he leant in, I did too. I knew he was dating Sweet Pea but I was selfish.

"We're much past apologises, you know I've forgiven you" he said and I gave him a small, shaky smile.

"Thank you Sweet Pea" I said and he gave me a small smile.

"Let's just focus on you right now, and that begins with you stopping crying" he said awkwardly. I chuckled as tears just kept rolling down my face.

"Don't know how to deal with girls crying?" I smirked.

"Absolutely not" he said making me smile.

"Hug me tighter" I whispered and he nodded his head, holding me tighter in his arms.

"Good" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Did you know that peanuts aren't actually nuts" he said and I gave him a confused look as I faced him.

"I know, I was shocked too" he said, my expression remained the same.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him.

"I thought it would help distract you" he said and I chuckled.

"So if it isn't a nut, what is it?" I asked him.

"It's a legume" he said.

"Look, I've heard that word so many times but I don't actually know what that is" I said and he smiled.

"Neither do I" he said making us both laugh.

We both calmed down as I rested my head back on his shoulder and he slightly tightened his grip around me.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He asked me.

"Where?" I asked as I looked in front of me, scanning over his trailer. I've never been here before.

"Where I went when I got cheated on" he chuckled.

"Are you going to continue being mysterious or tell me?" I asked him.

"Mysterious" he smirked.

"Okay, but please can we take your truck?" I asked, nearly begged him. He smiled as he nodded.

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