Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

"Honey, as much as I love you, you're spending too much time with a 30 year old man. People are going to start thinking I'm a pedophile or your sugar daddy" my uncle Daniel told me.

The past week I've been spending my time with my uncle Daniel. He is married to my blood related uncle, uncle James. The reason I've been with my uncle Daniel is because I got kicked out of home.

"Don't care, never want to leave the house again" I said and he chuckled softly.

"You have a boyfriend who misses you honey" he told me. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

A week ago my friend group and I were all called to Veronica's house. All of our parents were there. Two days before then, they all went out and got high on Jingle Jangle. I wasn't with them though, I was out with my boyfriend.

My mother was going on about how perfect of a child I was in front of everyone since I was the only one who didn't take the drug. Although when we're at home, she'd never say something that nice.

Veronica had gotten sick of it and I guess some sort of resentment had been building inside of her because she decided to tell all of the parents that I was dating Sweet Pea, the Serpents King. I will never forgive her for that. She knows my sister was sent away, never to be seen again. She never cared about me.

"I'm sick of Betty constantly being praised. For fucks sake, at least I'm not dating the Serpents King" she said looking at my mother.

The angriest look formed on her face. She hates the South Side more than anything.

"Mum trust me, I'm not. But since you want to go and act like the entitled bitch you are, at least I'm not pregnant. But hey V, who's the dad? Reggie or Archie?" I asked Veronica with a smile.

"What?" Hiram asked me sternly.

"Oh I have so much dirt on your daughter you wouldn't believe it" I smirked.

"Betty shut the fuck up" Reggie said to me and I laughed.

"Reg, hun, you were the one who not only bought the drugs but sell it too" I said.

"She better be lying" Mr. Mantle said sternly to Reggie.

"I'm not known to lie" I said making his angry expression turn even angrier.

"Betts, that's enough. Let's just leave" Archie told me. I laughed.

Archie has treated me like I was nothing as soon as Veronica entered into the picture. If he thinks he's getting away scot free, he has another thing coming.

"Yeah, you're right. Otherwise I might accidentally tell your dad about the gun in your bottom draw. Wait, did I accidentally say that out loud? Whoops" I smirked as I turned to Fred Andrews.

"Home, now" Mr. Andrews told Archie sternly.

"We're going home too. I always told you that these people weren't right for you" my mother told me.

I knew better than to argue with her because I'm already in enough trouble as it is.

"By the way Hiram, every time one of your plans have fallen through, it's because of Veronica. She's costed you millions" I smiled at Hiram as I followed my mother out.

Hiram loves family, it's his top priority. But second to family is money. But between those two things, there is a very blurred line. He loves money, a lot. She's going to feel how I've been feeling all my life. Poor Veronica, she's going to lose daddies money.

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