Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I walked to my locker where my boyfriend was waiting for me. I greeted him with a smile as I began opening my locker.

"Hey handsome" I said as I unlocked my lock.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

As I opened the door to my locker a piece of paper fell out. Sweet Pea unwrapped his arms from around me and leant down to pick it up.

"What is this?" He asked as he stood back up.

"Honestly it really could be a lot of things" I chuckled as I turned to face him.

I really need to clean my locker because at the moment I use it as a trash can. I always put loose pieces of paper in there and tell myself I'll put it in the bin later. Safe to say I still haven't done that.

He began opening it and he looked up to me as he raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him.

"You have a love letter" he said as he handed it to me.

I gave him a confused look as he handed me the supposed love letter.

"Last night was fun angel, see you tonight" it read. I rolled my eyes.

"You know this is stupid right?" I said as I scrunched up the paper and threw it into the bin across the hall.

"Then why do you have this letter?" He asked me.

"Who knows Sweets" I said as I turned back to face my locker.

I pulled out my lunch and closed my locker. I held out my hand for him to take but he didn't take it.

"Seriously?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Where were you last night?" He asked me.

"You mean after I spent all night at your house and then walked next door to mine?" I said annoyedly.

When Sweet Pea is an emotional state like this, he doesn't think properly which causes him to be insensitive. And insensitive Sweet Pea makes me upset.

"Sweet Pea you're honestly really upsetting me right now because you know I would never do anything to hurt you" I said as I walked off to our usual lunch spot with our friends.

I sat next to Veronica and soon enough Sweet Pea came and sat next to Fangs.

The whole time, he looked to me like a lost puppy. But still, he didn't say anything yet. Which was probably for the best.


The day went on as usual and now I was laying on the couch watching tv with my dad.

A little earlier I got a message from someone interesting, Hannah Cery. She's dating Malachai, king of the Ghoulies. She messaged me telling me that Sweet Pea and I needed to back off with our stupid letters.

After I told her it wasn't Sweet Pea or I, we both very clearly realised that someone is trying to cause trouble between the two gangs. It also turned out that her boyfriend is acting like a dick. What is with guys in power who are so insecure?

My dad and I were in the middle of a conversation when I heard a knock on the door, undoubtably Sweet Pea.

I got up and walked to the door, revealing my sweet puppy of a boyfriend. He had a sad look on his face and a shy looking body posture.

"Hi Sweet Pea, what can I do for you?" I asked, just to annoy him a little.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"What for?" I asked him.

"Because I was stupid for ever implying something that I didn't even think was true to begin with" he started and I nodded my head.

"I love you and I know you're perfect" he said.

I gave him a small smile as I took a step closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his back and rested my head on his chest. He's like a big sweet teddy bear. My teddy bear.

"I love you Sweets" I said as he picked me up.

"I love you more" he said as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I love you more, simply because I'm the smarter one" I said and he rolled his eyes as he walked inside, closing the door behind us.

"Sweet Pea" my dad said as he looked up to the two of us.

"Hal" Sweet Pea smirked as he began taking me up to my room.

He gently placed me on my bed and laid down besides me. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me close to him.

"You know, it sucks when you treat me like the way you did earlier" I frowned as I played with the zip of his jacket.

He raised his hand to my chin and gently pushed it up so that I was looking into his eyes.

"I'm really sorry Betty" he began with a sigh.

"I know I'm really not a good boyfriend and I really don't deserve you" he started and I instantly shook my head.

"Baby, you are a great boyfriend. Just a little bit of an asshole occasionally" I smirked. He gave me a small smile.

"You mean the world to me Pea and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. That means you're going to do everything I want for the rest of your life" I smiled and he smirked.

"Trust me, whatever you want, it's yours" he said making me smirk.

"Will you take me out to get a snow cone?" I asked him with a hopeful smile.

"We don't have snow cones in Riverdale" he chuckled.

"Yeah we do, there's a pop up truck on the way to school" I said excitedly.

"Go put some shoes on" he said making me quickly jump up and find a pair of shoes.

"Oh by the way, Malachai and Hannah also got a letter like that" I said as I slipped on some shoes.

"Couldn't have told me earlier?" He asked.

"Be quiet, snow cone time" I said as I took his hand and pulled him with me.

I hope you enjoyed

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