Betty x Sweet Pea

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Helllooooo, it's meeee MARIO

Betty POV:

I walked out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body.

I had just had a hot shower, washing away the heartbreak of the day. I have truly never felt such pain in my life.

My boyfriend decided to tell me, after six months, that he had been sleeping with another woman.

I did everything I could to make him happy, and this is how we ended up.

Thinking about the situation just made tears well up in my eyes again.

I let out a sigh as I headed towards the kitchen. I needed to get my phone and text my brother, telling him I wasn't going to make it to dinner.

Jughead is my older brother. He's 28 and I'm 25. He is also the king of the Serpents. I have an important role with the Serpents but I'm not the queen. That is for when Jughead gets a girlfriend. I have my own career that I want to focus on.

I'm a teacher at Riverdale High, although the way things run there are extremely unconventional.

I know all the Serpents and they all know me. I see them more of friends then students, but I still know when it's time to be friends and when it's time to teach.

As I walked past the lounge, I saw a large shadow. I turned to look and saw a human sitting on my couch.

I let out the loudest scream as soon as I saw him. 

Sweet Pea: what? He asked worriedly.

I quickly hid behind a wall and popped out my head.

Betty: what are you doing in my house? I screamed at him.

Sweet Pea is a friend and student of mine.

Sweet Pea: did you just suddenly forget you tutor me? He asked confusedly.
Betty: I texted you Sweet Pea, I told you I have to cancel. I said.
Sweet Pea: I didn't see it. He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Betty: you're never not on your phone. I groaned out.
Sweet Pea: honestly, I was playing among us and your message got in the way so I ignored it and forget to check it after. I rolled my eyes.
Sweet Pea: and why did you cancel? Have a dick appointment with your boyfriend? He said and I tried to hold back tears.
Betty: this is such an inappropriate thing for us to talk about. I said, my voice sounding terrible.
Sweet Pea: are you okay? He asked softly. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: are you okay? He repeated.

That's when I instantly broke down. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

Sweet Pea came over to me and wrapped me into his arms.

He held me tight as I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to sob.

He slowly encouraged me to tell him what was upsetting me.

I told him about the break up, just not about the cheating. Saying those words would just cause me to cry even harder.

Sweet Pea: he pussied out of the initiation, you don't need a guy like that in your life. He said to me.

I tried to stop crying but it felt so impossible. I was so hurt, I wanted to die.

Sweet Pea: do you want me to call Jughead? He asked after a few minutes. I nodded my head.

He kept me in his arms as he pulled out his phone and called my brother.

Within about 15 minutes Jughead had arrived and took Sweet Pea's place.

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