Betty x family

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This one shot is well, I don't know how to describe or label it lol. But it's just some fun :)

Betty POV:

I laid on my side as I watched TikTok's on my phone.

On my bed side table rested my MacBook computer. Sweet Pea and I were FaceTiming but doing our own things.

Sweet Pea and I have both been grounded and we're not allowed to speak to each other or go to each other's houses for the rest of the night.

We got into a fight with some random kids at school. They were talking shit and acted like they own the school, when in reality, Sweet Pea and I do.

We ended up getting caught and our dads were called into the school. They're definitely not impressed.

And that's how we got banned from seeing each other.

I know we're not supposed to be FaceTiming each other, but technically we're not even speaking. We just like being in each other's company.

I was watching one of those videos that relate to your zodiac sign when my dad walked into my room.

Hal: tell me you're not FaceTiming him. He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: should I lie? I said as I looked to Sweet Pea's virtual face.
Sweet Pea: give it a go. He chuckled.
Hal: you two are unbelievable. He said as he picked up my computer.
Sweet Pea: hiii Hal. He said. I could hear the smirk through his words.
Hal: bye Sweet Pea. He smiled sweetly before he hung up.
Betty: dad. I groaned.
Hal: dinner downstairs now. He said with a stern voice.

I let out another groan as he walked out.

I went into my messages and texted Sweet Pea. 'I'll sneak into your house later?' I texted him. 'Can't wait baby' he messaged back.

I smirked as I put my phone on the charger and then went downstairs.

I took a seat at the kitchen table and ate dinner with my dad, who was very, very unimpressed with me.

Betty: I'm your only kid, you can't be mad at me. I said. He chuckled.
Hal: try me. He said.
Betty: try me as in you can be mad at me or try me as in you have another kid. I'd honestly really like the second option. I smiled.
Hal: I wish I had the second option. He said and I frowned.
Betty: I love you dad. I said.
Hal: I love you too. He said with a sigh. I smiled.

We soon finished dinner and after I helped wash up, I went up to my room.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and my Serpents jacket.

I opened up the window and began climbing down. The cement hurts when climbing up and down it, so wearing pants and a jacket is the best way to go.

I got close enough to the ground and jumped down. I then jumped the fence over to Sweet Pea's house and began climbing up to his window.

I finally made it up and went in through his window.

Sweet Pea heard me and helped me in.

Sweet Pea: you always look so sexy climbing in through my window. He smirked as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
Betty: better fucking be, that shit is hard. I said making him laugh.
Sweet Pea: I love you. He smiled as he leaned his head closer to mine.

I leaned closer and we both placed a gentle kiss along each other's lips.

Betty: I love you too. I smiled.

We both got into his bed and he pulled out his phone, where we began to watch TikTok together.

Honestly, Sweet Pea and I don't even want to hangout tonight. We just wanted to do our own thing, even if we're doing the same thing. But now that we know we're not allowed to be together, it makes us want too.

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