Betty x Sweet Pea

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The flashback is an idea I had so I had to somehow create a plot line around that 😂

Betty POV:

"Do you two enjoy annoying us?" Fp asked his son and I.

"It is a favourite past time of mine" Sweet Pea, my boyfriend smirked. Each of our dads siting opposite us chuckled as they shook their heads.

"Since the moment you two were born, you haven't stopped causing trouble" my dad said with a smirk.

"If we think about it, it's yours and Fp's fault we are the way we are" I said and Fp raised an eyebrow at me.

"Explain" he said.

"Well, if you two never introduced Sweet Pea and I to each other we wouldn't be in this situation" I started and the two men chuckled.

"And secondly, you two run a gang. Do you think him and I aren't going to get into fights?" I said.

Sweet Pea and I got suspended for getting into a fight. There were some kids trying to start a fight with us because it proves a point to others in school that they have control, if they win.

Sweet Pea is the son of Fp and I'm the daughter of Hal, the two men running the Serpents. So being the kids of them, we come with power and people sometimes like to challenge it. Of course Sweet Pea and I don't actively look for fights but if one presents itself, neither of us are going to back down.

"May I counter that last argue?" Fp asked me. I nodded my head.

"You two only found out about our involvement in the Serpents when he was eleven and you were ten. Remember when you were seven and eight, your babysitter described you two as kids who were directly sent by Satan to terrorise her?" He said and I smirked at the memory.

"May I counter that?" Sweet Pea asked. Fp nodded his head.

"You found the most religious women in this town and gave her to two kids who she wouldn't let play together. Of course we were going to have a problem with her" Sweet Pea said and I nodded my head.

"You two snuck out the window and went across to the neighbours house" my dad said as he raised an eyebrow.

"It was for our safety, she probably would of done some weird creepy shit if we stayed any longer" I said.

"Our point stands, you two are the way you are by nature" My dad said and I shook my head.

"Who gave the idea to go out the window? Sweet Pea. Therefore, we lead back to point one, you two introduced us to each other. We influence one another to do things we never would if we never met" I said.

"Name one thing you wouldn't have done if you never met him" my dad said, raising an eyebrow.

"Date him" I winked. Fp and my dad laughed at my answer.

"Don't know why we even try arguing with you two" Fp chuckled.

"This is just a peaceful discussion, where Betty and I relieve the trauma of the babysitter you gave us" Sweet Pea said and I nodded my head, remembering that very weird night.

~ Flash back ~

"Be good, okay?" My dad said to me as he gave me a tight hug and kissed my head.

"I will, come home soon?" I pouted as I held him tight.

I was seven at the time and really did not like being away from my dad or Fp. I always felt safe with them so being away from them was scary. We were always at one of our houses so I really just saw Fp as a second dad.

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